He is 34 years old, and often appears as a hulking 7'2" Russian man with a long beard and no hair, and wearing a black shirt with a white stripe across the breast, and black pants. He is covered in tattoos of various explosives.
Alexei "The Demolitionist" Petrovich lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day.
2 Alertness
1 Animals
4 Athletics
5 Brawl
1 Crafts
0 Culture
1 Drive
2 Firearms
2 Influence
1 Investigation
2 Medicine
2 Melee
0 Occult
3 Performance
0 Science
0 Stealth
1 Survival
0 Technology
0 Thievery
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Alexei Petrovich was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, to Petr Gregorovich and an unknown mother, who died during the birth, due to complications with Alexei's larger physique. Born during the era of the USSR and only a child during it's collapse, he grew up poor on the streets of St. Petersburg, picking pockets for money to buy vodka, cigarettes, and food. His father, a traumatized former Spetsnaz operative, was an abusive drunk and was unsupportive and absent for a majority of Alexei's life, instead sending the young Alexei to a boarding school, where he replaced his pickpocket tendencies with the sport of wrestling. A hulk even during primary school, Alexei quickly ascended into world wrestling leagues, winning championships and tournaments as if they were practices. As such, it was no surprise when the World Wrestling Association signed Alexei the year he graduated from high school. Alexei spent the next 11 years as a world famous champion, at a point it was indisputably agreed that Alexei was the heavyweight champion of the world, known for his berserker-like style, his most famous stunts involving staying on his feet and fighting with sprained joints, lacerations on his body, even a broken arm. It was at the very height of his career where he, in a rumble match, accidentally murdered 3 wrestlers, tearing one's jaw from his head, snapping another's back, and twisting the neck of another much further than the physical limit. After this incident, he was imprisoned in a prison, in a cell designed for men of his immense strength, where he's sat for 4 years, waiting for that golden opportunity.
Phobia of Peter Pan: He's still out there. He can fly. Is evil. And wants me dead. I usually find yourself looking out for him. Worried about the open sky. I'm scared of not seeing the sneaky bastard in time more than scared of him himself.