New Contractor

Tap on any element for more information.
Select one
Fill in the blanks
is a
Non-supernatural archetype Inspire Me!
who will risk
life in the Contracts
to become a
Supernatural paradigm. Inspire Me!
Ambition. Why does this Contractor risk their life for power? Focus outward: how do they want to change the world? Inspire Me!
They are
years old,
live in
What kind of dwelling do you live in? Where is it specifically?
and usually appear as
A brief description of your Contractor's outward appearance.
They are based in , a world .

Your Contractor has no Playgroup.

Playgroups are Player groups with a shared setting. Contractors without a Playgroup cannot interact with other Contractors on their Downtimes. Most GMs will not allow Contractors without an active Playgroup to participate in their Contracts.

When you are finished creating your Contractor, you can find a Playgroup or create your own and then edit your Contractor to add them to it.
Choose three

"This is where I draw the line."

Show More

Define your core competencies


Tap on each Attribute for more information.
Brawn ( 0 Exp )
Charisma ( 0 Exp )
Dexterity ( 0 Exp )
Intellect ( 0 Exp )
Perception ( 0 Exp )
Describe your special skills and training


Tap on each Ability for more information.
Alertness ( 0 Exp )
Animals ( 0 Exp )
Athletics ( 0 Exp )
Brawl ( 0 Exp )
Crafts ( 0 Exp )
Culture ( 0 Exp )
Drive ( 0 Exp )
Firearms ( 0 Exp )
Influence ( 0 Exp )
Investigation ( 0 Exp )
Medicine ( 0 Exp )
Melee ( 0 Exp )
Occult ( 0 Exp )
Performance ( 0 Exp )
Science ( 0 Exp )
Stealth ( 0 Exp )
Survival ( 0 Exp )
Technology ( 0 Exp )
Thievery ( 0 Exp )
( 0 Exp ) Detail:

Any quirks we should know about?

Assets and Liabilities
"You play the hand you're dealt, good and bad."

Physical Assets

Physical Liabilities

Background Assets

Background Liabilities

Mental Assets

Mental Liabilities

Restricted Assets

Restricted Liabilities

Finishing touches

(Optional) A subtitle that introduces your Contractor in a flavorful way

You may return to this page at any time. Any unused Experience will be saved.