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Ky Matranaga
"It's all or nothing." | The Devil Defiant

A 9-Victory Novice Contractor played by Monday in Maelstrom

Ky Matranaga is a devil-cursed teenager who will risk their life to become the ultimate living hell for the damned and conquer their inner devil and accomplish something good with their life.

They are 18 years old, live in the Jules safe-house in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and often appears as a tall, fit teenager in reinforced streetwear, with short-cut hair and a roguish charm.

Ky Matranaga lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. Their journal, Devil's Legacy, has 18 entries. Their Questionnaire has 7 answers.













4 Alertness

0 Animals

5 Athletics

5 Brawl

1 Crafts

2 Culture

2 Drive

0 Firearms

4 Influence

3 Investigation

1 Medicine

0 Melee

1 Occult

2 Performance

0 Science

2 Stealth

1 Survival

0 Technology

1 Thievery

3 Streetsmarts

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Ky Matranaga is unharmed)

(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress
  • (FGC Syndrome) Wheezing (You cannot shout or raise your voice above a whisper. After physical activity, you wheeze loudly and suffer a -2 dice penalty on Stealth rolls.)
  • (Disfiguring) Devil Eyes (You are visually supernatural. Social rolls are made at +1 Difficulty, and the Beautiful asset is suppressed as long as you have this scar.)
  • Body 7


    8 Mind





  • Fear of Hell Having gazed into the infernal abyss, you are now terrified of what it represents. When confronted with demonic imagery or entities of hellish origin roll self control or collapse from fright.
  • Phobia of Fried Food When you encounter the subject of your phobia, you must roll Self-Control to avoid entering a fight-or-flight response. If you fail, you may Exert your Mind to face your fear.
  • Adrenaline Junkie Must roll self control to avoid doing any action that would trigger daredevil when presented with the option, or to avoid performing an action the safe way when a more exciting and dangerous way is available.

  • Hellfire

    Whenever , regain one Source. Cooldown: one day


    Finances: Average
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You can live stably off your money. You have access to $2,500 (or equivalent currency) per Contract.
    Illuminated: Confirmed
    Given by leonvanderblight
    You are known to be a supernatural being. Compelling evidence is available to all, and even skeptics are convinced. You have access to the media and to special partnerships. However, you may be hunted or taken advantage of, depending on the specifics of your talents and presentation.
    Legally Dead / Wanted
    Given by Monday
    You are considered legally dead, making many elements of modern life impossible for you to attain. Making Moves to gain new Circumstances is significantly hampered by your status, and in some cases may be completely impossible. Your status may occasionally cause GMs to give you new Loose Ends, at their discretion.
    Notorious for: Cop Killing
    Given by leonvanderblight
    You are easily recognized and treated badly by the public at large due to something bad in your past. There is a strong hatred of you in English speaking cultures, and anyone who watches the news or is tuned in to popular culture will reflect that attitude. You get -3 dice for any rolls in social situations, and must roleplay your notorious status when relevant.
    Notorious for: Outed as a literal devil
    Given by Monday
    You are easily recognized and treated badly by the public at large due to something bad in your past. There is a strong hatred of you in English speaking cultures, and anyone who watches the news or is tuned in to popular culture will reflect that attitude. You get -3 dice for any rolls in social situations, and must roleplay your notorious status when relevant.
    Notorious for: Assaulting The Sons of Salem
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You are easily recognized and treated badly by the public at large due to something bad in your past. There is a strong hatred of you in English speaking cultures, and anyone who watches the news or is tuned in to popular culture will reflect that attitude. You get -3 dice for any rolls in social situations, and must roleplay your notorious status when relevant.


    From Assets and Liabilities
    Sensitive You're emotionally fragile, and very likely to be mentally and emotionally scarred by your experiences. You have four Limits, instead of the usual three.
    Daredevil You have a penchant for taking wild, unnecessary risks, and somehow manage to survive them. You get +3 dice when attempting an action that is especially risky, and may ignore a single 1 on that roll.
    Trained Reflexes Your life has been filled with tight situations and violent encounters, so when the fighting starts, you act quickly. You get +3 dice to all Initiative rolls.
    Focused You’re cool under pressure. Stress from Mind Damage is reduced by 2.
    Imbued After accepting your first Invitation to a Contract, you are Imbued, altering you in several ways. After completing a Contract, your learning and conditioning improves rapidly. However, you require the Contracts to advance. You have an indomitable Will to Survive. You may Exert your Mind to improve the Outcome of your Actions. You are highly receptive to therapy and may "cure" one of your Traumas with counseling on a Downtime.
    From Maelstrom
    Suspend: Injure from Edgar Stokes Maggots shall consume you and burst forth from within should you ever compromise his presence at the Jules Safe House, or reveals the location of Jules Safehouse. He will take a severity 14 injury at the rate of 1 injury per round that increases in severity by 1 per round should he break the terms of the suspend.
    Filling Goblet Cell Syndrome Your body overproduces mucus. You have the Wheezing battle scar, which causes your nose to run while you cough and spit up at least 3 liters of mucus when removed. If removed with Heal Scars, Cleanse, or a dose of albuterol metered aerosol, it returns after 3 hours. You will drown in your own mucus unless you suppress your condition at least once per week. After using 3 doses of albuterol metered aerosol in a 24 hour period, every additional dose requires a Body roll at difficulty 8. Failure grants the Weakened Heart battle scar. If you already have the Weakened Heart battle scar, instead roll as if participating in strenuous activity. [Note: Regrowth on Regeneration gives a free 3 hours at the start of each day - Guy]

    Loose Ends

    Indebted to Taira

    Imminent Deadly Given by PascalsAngel
    Do a job for Taira, or else be exposed to the world.

    Individual Enemy: Daniel Krieg Motorcycle Blade Enthusiast (Sons of Salem)

    Imminent Dangerous Given by leonvanderblight
    Whether through misfortune or deliberate provocation, you have made a lifelong enemy out of someone, and they will stop at nothing to take you down.

    Runneth Over

    Distant Fateful Given by PascalsAngel
    Even with regular treatment, your body continues to produce more mucus.



    9 Victories - 2 Failures
    Remaining Exp: 1
    (Earned: 254 - Spent: 253)
    An itemized record of every Contract, advancement, and more


    Ky Matranaga has made 2 Moves.
    Only GMs who have permission to run Contracts and post World Events in Maelstrom can post Moves for Ky Matranaga.


    (Most of Ky's backstory is in his Questionnaire now, but will fill this in later probably

    Assets And Liabilities


    -9 Trained Reflexes
    -0 Finances: Average
    -6 Focused
    -9 Daredevil
    -0 Imbued


    +9 Sensitive
    +3 Notoriety
    Reason: Assaulted nationally famous members of The Sons of Salem