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Ferdinand Rockefeller (AKA Fernefeller)
"Care for a cigarette friend?"

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by CertifiedWeeb in Earth Unveiled

Ferdinand Rockefeller (AKA Fernefeller) is a Oil Tycoon who will risk their life to become the ultimate Lord of pollution and Drown the world in pollution.

They are 55 years old, live in Houston Texas in a luxury home, and often appears as A short pudgy, middle aged man with dark slicked back hair, typically wearing a suit and tie with a bowler hat.

Ferdinand Rockefeller (AKA Fernefeller) lives in Earth Unveiled, a setting where we learned the supernatural's real; but carefully controlled by Conspiracy. Their journal has 1 entry. Their Questionnaire has 7 answers.













2 Alertness

0 Animals

0 Athletics

2 Brawl

0 Crafts

4 Culture

1 Drive

2 Firearms

3 Influence

2 Investigation

0 Medicine

0 Melee

2 Occult

3 Performance

0 Science

2 Stealth

0 Survival

1 Technology

2 Thievery

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Ferdinand Rockefeller (AKA Fernefeller) is unharmed)

(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress

(Ferdinand Rockefeller (AKA Fernefeller) has no Battle Scars)

Body 6


8 Mind



Near-Death Experience


  • Delusions of Grandeur You believe yourself to be the very best, one of the elite, superior to anyone else you meet. You must succeed a Self-Control roll in order to believe something or take an action which contradicts this delusion.

  • Pollutant Greed


    Finances: Rich
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You are absolutely loaded. You have access to $1,000,000 (or equivalent currency) per Contract. Note that moving vast sums of money quickly or discreetly is not always possible.
    Point of Contact: DOE Executive : Carla Frisch (Director of the Policy Office) (Government "Connect") (Fellow Demon)
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You know someone in a specific industry or area of influence, and can lean on them for assistance. Once per Contract, and once per Downtime, you may call in a favor from _____. Your contact is not brainwashed or supernaturally compelled, and they may refuse to do things which are unreasonable or absurd. You may attempt to call in additional favors beyond the first one, but these are not guaranteed, and over-use of your contact may cause you to lose them, as well as create potential Loose Ends.
    Point of Contact: CSO of EXXONMobil (Chief Security Officer of one of four major American Oil Corporations))
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You know someone in a specific industry or area of influence, and can lean on them for assistance. Once per Contract, and once per Downtime, you may call in a favor from _____. Your contact is not brainwashed or supernaturally compelled, and they may refuse to do things which are unreasonable or absurd. You may attempt to call in additional favors beyond the first one, but these are not guaranteed, and over-use of your contact may cause you to lose them, as well as create potential Loose Ends.


    From Assets and Liabilities
    Nightmares: A clean world that is free of the pollution he sustains himself on. Your sleep is plagued with horrible nightmares. At the start of each Contract and each time you fall asleep, make a Self-Control roll. If you fail, you take one Mind damage.
    Anosmia You have no sense of smell, and your sense of taste is extremely limited. All Perception rolls which depend on smell fail automatically, and any Perception rolls which involve smell in some way (such as tasting things) are at +2 Difficulty.
    Delusions of Grandeur You believe yourself to be the very best, one of the elite, superior to anyone else you meet. You must succeed a Self-Control roll in order to believe something or take an action which contradicts this delusion.
    Clear Conscience You have a special knack for shrugging off traumatic experiences. All Trauma rolls you make are -1 Difficulty, and Stress does not apply.
    Additional Language: Arabic You are fluent in an additional language You can speak, read, and write in the chosen language. You may be given a roll to decipher some amount of meaning from a related language at the GMs discretion.
    Additional Language: Spanish You are fluent in an additional language You can speak, read, and write in the chosen language. You may be given a roll to decipher some amount of meaning from a related language at the GMs discretion.
    Short Fuse You have major issues controlling your temper. Whenever tensions run high or someone disrespects you, you must roll Self-Control not to escalate the situation or have a violent reaction.
    Additional Language: Latin You are fluent in an additional language You can speak, read, and write in the chosen language. You may be given a roll to decipher some amount of meaning from a related language at the GMs discretion.

    Loose Ends

    The Death Of Kevin Mccalin

    Imminent Dangerous Given by badtzmaruboy
    You phoned the CSO for security, and the officer he provided you with... is now MIA... someone's gonna come looking eventually.

    Dark Secret: Is a literal pollution demon

    Moderate Dangerous Given by a Liability
    You have a secret. When it gets out, there will be immediate and significant consequences for you.



    1 Victories - 0 Failures
    Remaining Exp: 0
    (Earned: 164 - Spent: 164)
    An itemized record of every Contract, advancement, and more


    Ferdinand Rockefeller (AKA Fernefeller) has made 0 Moves.
    Only GMs who have permission to run Contracts and post World Events in Earth Unveiled can post Moves for Ferdinand Rockefeller (AKA Fernefeller).

    Assets And Liabilities


    -1 Additional Language
    Language: Arabic
    -1 Additional Language
    Language: Spanish
    -1 Additional Language
    Language: Latin
    -15 Gifted
    -18 Finances: Rich
    -6 Clear Conscience
    -6 Point of Contact
    Contact: CSO of EXXONMobil (Chief Security Officer of one of four major American Oil Corporations))
    -6 Point of Contact
    Contact: DOE Executive : Carla Frisch (Director of the Policy Office) (Government "Connect") (Fellow Demon)


    +7 Short Fuse
    +3 Nightmares
    Subject: A clean world that is free of the pollution he sustains himself on.
    +3 Dark Secret
    Secret: Is a literal pollution demon
    +6 Delusions of Grandeur
    +3 Anosmia