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Harris Smith

A Newbie Contractor played by Splinter1343 in Earth Unveiled

Harris Smith is a Doctor with a Curse who will risk their life to become the ultimate Healer and cure his cursw.

They are 23 years old, live in New Jersey, and often appears as A tall, lanky, slightly muscular man, with a nice buttoned shirt, slightly undone tie, square frame glasses and something inbetween casual slacks and nice pants. He has green eyes and black hair.

Harris Smith lives in Earth Unveiled, a setting where we learned the supernatural's real; but carefully controlled by Conspiracy.













3 Alertness

0 Animals

3 Athletics

4 Brawl

1 Crafts

1 Culture

1 Drive

0 Firearms

1 Influence

1 Investigation

4 Medicine

1 Melee

2 Occult

0 Performance

2 Science

2 Stealth

3 Survival

1 Technology

0 Thievery

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


(Harris Smith is unharmed)

(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress

(Harris Smith has no Battle Scars)

Body 7


6 Mind





(Harris Smith has no Traumas)



Circumstances describe your situation.

Examples include enemies, wealth, notoriety, social status, contacts, fame, and imprisonment.

Because each Playgroup has its own setting, Circumstances record the Playgroup they were acquired in.

Finances: Average
From Assets and Liabilities
You can live stably off your money. You have access to $2,500 (or equivalent currency) per Contract.


Conditions describe your state of being.

Examples of Conditions include curses, diseases, and impactful personality quirks.

Conditions are granted by Assets and Liabilities or by GMs based on the events of Contracts and Downtime activities like Moves, and Loose Ends.

Because Conditions may have GM-created systems, they also record the Playgroup they were acquired in.

From Assets and Liabilities
Nightmares: I keep recalling the memories of the people I've killed, eaten... Your sleep is plagued with horrible nightmares. At the start of each Contract and each time you fall asleep, make a Self-Control roll. If you fail, you take one Mind damage.
Anti-Social You struggle with engaging in social interaction. In order to start a conversation with someone you have known for less than an hour, you must succeed a Self-Control roll. If you become the center of attention in a large group, you must succeed a Self-Control roll or Exert your Mind to avoid fleeing or shutting down.
Gullible You are trusting and honest to a fault, and believe almost everything you hear. You automatically fail any roll to detect a lie, and any rolls which involve telling lies are at +3 difficulty.
Imbued After accepting your first Invitation to a Contract, you are Imbued, altering you in several ways. After completing a Contract, your learning and conditioning improves rapidly. However, you require the Contracts to advance. You have an indomitable Will to Survive. You may Exert your Mind to improve the Outcome of your Actions. You are highly receptive to therapy and may "cure" one of your Traumas with counseling on a Downtime.
Additional Language: Spanish You are fluent in an additional language You can speak, read, and write in the chosen language. You may be given a roll to decipher some amount of meaning from a related language at the GMs discretion.
Lanky You are particularly tall and have long limbs. Your "touch" range is ten feet instead of the standard five.
Avoidance You are so off-putting, that most people just avoid you. As long as your Charisma rating is 1, you may Exert your Mind to cause someone to ignore or avoid you in a social situation. Any Stealth rolls you make as a part of that attempt get +2 to their Outcome.
Tough You can function under intense pain. Stress from Injuries is reduced by 2.
Focused You’re cool under pressure. Stress from Mind Damage is reduced by 2.
Attuned Autoimmune Your background has exposed you to a wide variety of toxins and diseases, and you have adapted to resist. +2 dice to resistance rolls against any diseases or toxins.

Loose Ends

Loose Ends will cause problems for you if you don't tie them up.

Examples of Loose Ends include enemies, debts, evidence, and promises.

All Loose Ends have a Cutoff that counts down each time you attend a Contract. When it hits zero, the Threat of your Loose End manifests, causing issues for your Contractor.

You cannot see the current values of your Loose Ends' Cutoffs, but you can take initiative and make Moves on your Downtimes to deal with them before time runs out.



0 Victories - 0 Failures
Remaining Exp: 0
(Earned: 150 - Spent: 150)
An itemized record of every Contract, advancement, and more

Harris Smith has not written in their journal yet.


Latest 0 of 0 answers


Harris Smith has made 0 Moves.
Contractors must have participated in at least one Contract before they can make Moves.

Assets And Liabilities


-1 Additional Language
Language: Spanish
-0 Finances: Average
-6 Focused
-6 Tough
-3 Lanky
-6 Attuned Autoimmune
-0 Imbued
-3 Avoidance


+9 Gullible
+3 Nightmares
Subject: I keep recalling the memories of the people I've killed, eaten...
+6 Anti-Social