A 7-Victory Novice Contractor played by donniecesar in Maelstrom
She is 21 years old, lives in alternating between a small apartment she owns in Aurora (CO) and a rented RV parked in Sunshine Park (NYC)., and often appears as 6'1, very pretty young woman decked in motorcycle gear. She has a sharp, inquisitive gaze and hazel eyes with yellow and golden hues.
Jenny Thorndike lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. Her journal has 15 entries. Her Questionnaire has 21 answers.
3 Alertness
0 Animals
3 Athletics
0 Crafts
2 Culture
0 Drive
0 Firearms
3 Influence
3 Investigation
0 Medicine
5 Melee
0 Occult
3 Performance
0 Science
0 Stealth
0 Survival
1 Technology
0 Thievery
Latest 3 of 21 answers