A 11-Victory Seasoned Contractor played by lumiq in Project *******
She is 24 years old, and often appears as a bubbly, suntanned woman with pulled back brown hair, glasses, and an spf shirt and jeans.
Tori McOlson lives in Project *******, a setting where reality flows, bends, and breaks, and the whole world stands at a delicate balance.
2 Alertness
4 Animals
3 Athletics
2 Brawl
2 Crafts
4 Culture
2 Drive
0 Firearms
2 Influence
1 Investigation
4 Medicine
2 Melee
1 Occult
1 Performance
4 Science
2 Stealth
1 Survival
2 Technology
1 Thievery
Latest 0 of 0 answers
As of now, all Tori is is a respected marine biologist that specializes in reef ecosystems and harbors an insatiable curiosity for the more interesting sides of the plants and creatures there.
Place of Residence: Kihei, Hawaii