Raphael Alessi's Journal

🔞 bad things underwater
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Downtime Journal 1

It took a few days for Raphael to recover from his minor injuries, but when he did he felt better than ever and was eager to experiment with his newfound power. He copied what Constantine was doing with his pencils turning them into pistols and found that he was able to do it. He quickly mastered this feat and decided he would get some pens to try it out with and to his surprise it worked. He quickly found that anything he touched for at least 60 seconds he could use. Raphael was very pleased with this, as he thought it would be very helpful in the future. It was probably about mid week before he received a call from one of his contacts about a Job. Thankfully it was a normal job, and a simple one at that. Travel to Dallas, Texas and find a man named Santo Ledo and eliminate him. This job appeared to be more of his usual than the last one he had. Raphael got the next flight to Dallas. Due to his newfound power Raphael did not have to smuggle either of his weapons through TSA he could just put them wherever they go and retrieve them when needed. The target lived in a penthouse in downtown Dallas. He had minimal security, just a few guards and some cameras. Raphael decided the best time to take him out would be at night when he is lounging on the deck in his hot tub. From his vantage point on a Nearby building Raphael was able to see everything that was going on. It was around 8:00 PM that night when the target walked outside to the hot tub with 2 unidentified females. When they were settled into the hot tub Raphael decided to make his move. One silent shot and it was over. The women ran screaming covered in blood and bits of skull and brain as Raphael quickly disassembled and vanished his sniper making sure the shell casing was picked up before he left. Raphael made his way to the airport and was on the next flight to New York. He was in bed before the sun rose. 

🔞 the hanged man
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🔞 Downtime
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Scenario for The Village 2
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Reconnecting With Your Roots

Raphael decided it was time for a sort of  arsenal upgrade, and what better to do than reconnect with your heritage at the same time. Raphael decided he would get some exquisite handcrafted Italian firearms direct from the Factory. He visited Gardone Val Trompia where the guns are made and was treated to a private tour and wine tasting by the owner of beretta. Raphael took a tour of the countryside , and enjoyed his time touring the scenery in Italy. Raphael decided to speak to a few of his contacts to see if they had any open jobs for him at the moment, but nothing that interested or paid enough was open to Raphael, so he decided he would just lay low and bide his time. He was hoping for a call from his new associate Deshawn, but one never came so he decied to just enjoy his time in the Italian countryside, as he knew it wouldnt last long. When Raphael returned stateside he wanted to see if something could be done about this strange compulsion between him and stuffing. He tried reaching out to Constantine to see if he could help him or recommend someone that could help him, but he never received a response. Raphael would have to ask Rikleen if she had been in contact with Constantine recently. After not receiving a call from Deshawn after so long Raphael was starting to get impatient, but he decided it was better to just wait to get a call, and not making a rash decision.

🔞 A Date to Remember
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Assassins Mentality

Raphael was very upset after what transpired in tokyo. He didnt want to play matchmaker for two stupid kids. There was much better things that he could be doing with his time. He could be taking out the dictator of a foreign country or killing a corrupt politician, but no he was playing love doctor for two teenage kids who hated each other. Raphael tried to stay and go along with this charade until the job was over, but the job ended with no gains or losses. He spent the next few weeks in therapy. He could not stop thinking about eating stuffing wherever he went, whether that be his apartment, car, or just out and about. He couldnt shake the compulsion, so he got a licensed professional to help him overcome this compulsion.  Raphael also worked on becoming sneakier when he wasnt in therapy. He would see how much he could get away with before someone spotted him. He became a little bit better at avoiding peoples eyes, whether that be losing them in a crowd or a dark corner.  Raphael wasnt pleased with how he left things in tokyo, but Rigel had it coming. There was no reason he had to chase me out of the hotel room, and slash the tires. He could have just let me go. Maybe if he had done that he would still be walking around today, but alas that didnt happen and he is gone. Raphael isnt going to lose any sleep over it. Killing someone is any other day for him.

🔞 pest control
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🔞 Downtime
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At the end of his last contract Raphael thought he was going to bleed out and die from that nasty gunshot wound to his shoulder, but to his suprise he was fully healed within a week. Not so much as an ache in a shoulder that a week ago was almost completely blown apart. He was kind of suprised on how effective this new power seemed to be, but at the same time the harbingers have always been more than generous with their gifts. He has always found himself rewarded generously for doing what is asked. The rewards for these jobs are much more handsome than any offered by his benefactors. With Raphael's new found free time he figured he would go to the gym and see about working that shoulder to its limit. He also wanted to try and put some more lean muscle on,  as he didnt want a repeat of what happened with Archibold. He wants to be able to swing and render his target unconcious in one swift blow. That was a really unfortunate incident. It didn't have to go down like that, but the old man gave him no choice. All he had to do was not scream and it could have gone down so much smoother. His body guard might have even lived through the night, although that would have required some serious work, and besides it all worked out well in the end for Raphael. In the future he would have to take better care of how he kills his victims.

An Auction in Austin
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Gym Time.

Raphael has been going to the gym more frequently. He has been trying to get some more muscle mass on him. Raphael decided it was best to lay low for a bit and just have some relaxation time in the gym. Raphael has noticed that his senses have sharpened quite a bit. His necklace still emits that faint warm pulse. He has noticed that he has been able to see things farther and up close. His eyes have sharpened far beyond human reaches. He can see things from about roughly a mile away according to his tests. He has also been able to see alot more minute details. When he focuses his eyes its almost as he is using a microscope. He can see the dust particles floating in the air, and even bacteria floating in the room. His ears have also sharpened. He can pick up even the most quiet of footsteps. He has started some more intense training to figure out what he can do with these newfound senses. He has been training in kill houses trying to use all of the senses. During the testing of these powers Raphael noticed a supernatural effect when he was using his rifle. He found that he was able to take off his silencer and if he wanted the shots to be silenced he could will it so. He was able to make the shot loud or silenced depending on what he wanted. This was a very useful power to have.

🔞 The Red Menace
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The Wonders of Modern Society

  I have taken Sav'ant in and am trying to get him accustomed to life in the states. I am working on getting him setup with modern things such as getting him setup with a twitter account. I have also introduced him to kindle and reading audio books opening up his mind onto newer topics. He is a very strange man, but I assume he will have some uses for me and the sarkite organization. I have been gracious enough to pay for any his needs recently as I am not strapped for cash due to the Sarkites generosity. We went and got him new modern clothes. He chose to wear his normal garb, but he decided that he would wear a black suit with a red tie on the underside of his usual black one. For some reason Sav'ant picked out an Iphone 7 for some reason, but he was really insistant on this particular phone, so I didnt object. He also picked up a few books, mostly communist manifestos and some other communist literature. I was paid these things as he doesnt "believe in money". Whatever that bullshit is... Im happy to pay for what he needs currently so that he joins the Sarkites and I can go proceed in the ranks. Deshawn wasnt super pleased to see Sav'ant, but he told Sav'ant and I that he was going to test Sav'ant with a job. If the job went well Sav'ant would be allowed to join the Sarkites, but if it went poory he would be taken care of.

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The start of something new

Raphael has started pulling peoples strings, and gathering people to form an organization of his own. The first person he called upon was Donovan White. Raphael decided that Donovan was going to be a useful asset should he want to build an empire. He would be able to provide money and even better, medical care. Raphael knew he would have the backing of Luci and Savant, but he was unsure of who else he would be able to pull on. To his surprise he was able to get Kurt to join the group. He suspected it was because Donovan was going along with the plan, but nonetheless he was happy to have an ally. After her latest contract Luci introduced Raphael to Julia Carter, a rather interesting assassin, although we have different methods I cannot deny the results that she produced. Raphael's most suprising ally was Paula. She may have been a reckless maniac who has a knack for driving cars, but damn was she good at it. Raphael had no doubt that he was going to be able to make something work between these team members. The question is how fast can he make this happen. He was able to get with Donovan and have him pull some zoning permits for a building on the outskirts of New Orleans.  He had a building plan in mind, but he was going to have to pull on some of his contacts he has gathered to make sure that the blueprints for the building did not become available to the public, or ones that did would be incorrect.

There Can Only Be One King
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