Aislinn Mclelanni's Journal

Project: Wormwood
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Meeting Grandma

After the contract ended, I realized how much power and abilities I was lacking, not being able to harness the power of the earth properly I head to my grandma's in search of help. Visiting her back in her old cottage I realize just how much I miss being here as a little kid, playing about without a care in the world, using the rocks I created using my bare hands as if they were sleds riding down the wet mudded hill, and creating little stone friends to play with while she was out getting groceries. Those were one of the happiest moments of my life. I greeted her whilst she was tending to her flowers and had a wonderful tea time and just enjoying our moments together. When I finally got the perfect time and courage to ask how I could better use my Gift, she gave me this little branch-entangled ring. Slipping it into my ring finger, I was hit with a sudden burst of knowledge, focus and power. I looked at her speechless, about to ask what this ring really is, but she stayed silent, smiled and put a finger to her lips, as if to say that it is betetr to be kept a secret. Discovering this new found ability I decide to test it out, building a stone-brick wall around her cottage, creating a seperate mini creek from a river nearby. Lastly, I somehow, though not perfect and unable to control it well, was able to create a stone golem, who while still able to move on their own, smiled and waved at me, before crumbling back into a pile of stones. After spending almost a month at her place, honing my new found power and testing out the many different weapons and skills I could make-do with, I head out of her cottage and return back to my place to await for my next contract. 

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