Cercyon Vulcanus's Journal

Retrospection of a Worshipper

The Journal appears red in hue, and is leather-bound with minimal damage showing it to be well-taken care of.

Project: Wormwood
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Traumatic Swimming experiences and continued worship and practice of the typical Roman God.

Traumatic Swimming experiences and continued worship and practice of the typical Roman God.


Today, I decided to try and do a thing called exposure therapy to help with this phobia of drowning I never knew that I had. Spoiler alert: it didn't work and I am now soaking and sobbing, on a public beach. So I went to the west side of Sicily so I could go to one of the beaches, and I went to an area that was slightly more private, and set down my blanket and placed my items on it. As I stared down the Ocean, I could almost imagine it laughing at me as I scream in terror upon dipping my head under. 

I steel my nerves and wade into the water. I shiver because it is so cold, and then because I could drown if i'm not careful. 

"Get this done, Cer. You're not a baby." I chided myself for my cowardice and waded further. The back of my mind was practically screaming at me to stop, since water seems so terrifying, but I forge on, seperating my Mind and Body from eachother; I move without thinking, and think without moving, disconnecting an age-old link between them for only a moment, until it is instantly reconnected and I dip my head underwater at the exact time it happens.

I explode out of the shallow-ish water and dash up the sand, straight to my blanket and wrap a towel around myself. 


This is going to take a while.

🔞 On a plane!
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Bed, Bathory and Beyond
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Recovering from gunshot wounds, creation of a idea and others.

Recovering from gunshot wounds, creation of a idea and others.


This is Cercyon, again. 

I have recently completed a contract where I had received gunshot wounds, and a very minor case of road rash. In due time, they healed. But from my experiences I had learnt that a functioning vehicle can be an essential in any persons arsenal, which lead me to the idea I had gotten:

Create a vehicle that has the blessing of Vulcan, and design it to function as a car.

I decided to design the car's model to be similar to that of a 1972 Corvette Stingray, since I am a sucker for good cars. (probably hereditary)

here is the list of the planned features and supplies to be included with this for future reference and as a rudimentary blueprint.

Storage compartments that contain 

First Aid kit x2
Rations for a month
Canteen of water x10
Assorted Tools ( Hammers of all types and sizes, Power Drill with drill bits of all sizes, screwdrivers of all sizes and types, etc.)
Assorted Parts ( Pistons, Hinges, disassembled carburetors, etc.)
Assorted Hardware ( Screws, Nuts, Bolts, etc)
Assorted Board games (scrabble, chess, talisman, risk)
Assorted clothes (Priest robes, casual wear, suit, etc.)
Assorted writing utensils (Pens, Pencils, Markers, etc.)
Drone with Controller
Empty Purple Jansport backpack x2
Fire extinguisher, as well as 1000 lumen lights. The sideview mirrors can be pulled up to reveal a miniature armory on the side of the car, with

Handgun x2
Metal Underarmor (concealed +1 armor) x3. Is also fitted with 2 rifles behind the grill that can fire somewhat accurately. Internet, as well as charging ports across the interior. Top speed of 120 mph, and an acceleration of 0-60 in 7.0 seconds. All of this is covered in Kevlar and Titanium to protect against bullets. Further features in Foldable worktable in the front seat, oxygen masks that drop from the ceiling, AI assistant named Pandora, Self-Adjusting suspension system, deployable flares and smoke bombs, concealable harpoons from the back of the car, heated steering wheel and chairs, massage chairs as well as fully functioning A/C, A hybrid engine that relies on an alternator system to drive for extremely long periods of time without needing to stop. Built-in bathroom and bed function, Built-in GPS. There are TVs attached to the ceiling that can lower to be used as such, and can be directed by a remote. Built-in gas-powered generator. Built-in refrigerator and freezer system, with a microwave too. Radio system with built-in police scanner. Built-in clock with digital alarm. Tires are solid rubber and cannot be punctured. The car can clean itself, both interior and exterior. Seats made of a Polyester/Nylon combination, designed for luxurious means. The car also has a built-in Phone function that can be used to call and text people. Ejector seats that can be activated by PANDORA digital assistant.

I intend to name it "PANDORA Corvette Stingray."

A walk of a thousand li
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Flash Suits
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Here Lies Cercyon Vulcanus

Cause of Death: A mob of some pretty hungry and mad undead ghouls

Cercyon’s consciousness melded, and suddenly, he was somewhere else, standing in front of a scale. On one side, stood 7 different humanoids, who all seemed to converse with each other, and then nod in agreement. Then, his whole world flipped, and then he was standing in front of a short and stocky man, who seemed extraordinarily ugly. He recognized him instantly, seeing his loved Patron, Vulcan. “Welcome to my forge, my child.”

Cercyon bowed to Vulcan, prostrating himself to the God. “Thank you for your blessing.” Vulcan stared at Cercyon, and then motioned him to stand up. “You have proved yourself in both battle and the forge, you are truly my son, both by name and merit.”

Cercyon obeyed, and followed the god into a massive cavern, generously sprinkled with forges and materials, each workstation completely stocked with tools. “The God’s Forge.” Cercyon breathed, his voice and face saturated with awe.

“Yes.” Grunted Vulcan in response, who then stepped away, and then motioned to a house not too far away. “This will be your home for the rest of eternity, my believer.”

Cercyon walked towards his new home, meandering and staring at the massive workshop. Once he was inside, he stepped in. A clear smell of mint wafted towards him, and two older people stepped up to him, who were dressed in red garments. The man smiled at him warmly, and the woman rushed up to him and captured him in a hug.

Cercyon was cautious, but then recognized them; “Mother, Father?” At first curious, but then elated. “It’s you?” “It really is you?”

“They are.” Vulcan’s voice boomed in response, his gravelly tones echoing in the open airy chamber. Cercyon embraced his mother back, towering over her and then his father, a family group hug that felt so complete, so real, so right.

Cercyon wept.

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