Gideon Vipponah's Journal

The Supernatural Contract Field Journal of Gideon Vipponah

The Supernatural Contract Field Journal of Gideon Vipponah

This is a new field journal in which I will chronicle my dealings with supernatural freelance contract work for an unknown supernatural employment agency that pays, apparently, in supernatural gifts. I feel it necessary to keep this particular field journal separate and secret from my other field journals, as somethings that will be detailed herein will be too fantastical to be believed. Even if they were I believed, I fear it would only put me and potentially my family in danger. Perhaps this is the life of a Contractor...

Djinn Delivery
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More confirmation that the waking dream was no dream at all, or at least not in the realm of the dreaming...

The next day I touched the head of our dear dog Hotame, and my vision got a golden sheen as I felt the spirit of Hotame and asked him to do something more complicated than I've ever asked him before. As soon as I was done he left and immediately did as I asked; he ran around the house, patrolled the property's perimeter, ran inside, jumped on our children's beds, and returned to me. It was remarkable, like nothing I had ever seen, perfect. Soon I tried it again, and again. Eventually, I realized, that while physically it took no effort at all, it was taxing upon my spirit. But like the body and the mind, the spirit can be exercised as well, learn to gain endurance. I had thought myself to be strong in spirit, but the truth was I had never had to exercise it before. That has changed, and so will I to adapt.

🔞 Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe
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To walk with beasts...

one must first understand them, and now I do...

Hotame remains my faithful companion in discovering my new "Gifts." I now fully understand his desires and meanings because I hear his voice and the voice that all animals speak in. It's uncanny, incredible even. I barely even noticed that his eyes had a golden sheen, I heard no normal animal noise from him, nor any others when I communicated with them. But now I hear every claim the birds make of their territories in the morning, every statement as to what belongs to whom, every inquiry as to each other's intentions. My children even asked why the animals nearby have such pretty eyes. I think back at the costs of what it took me to earn this great gift and it harrows me. I must keep my resolve and remember what this will do for my goals.

This will shape my entire life...

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