James Silver's Journal

Beware the Assassin!
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Mushroom Hunt
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Well. This time it was a lot more rougher than what it should of been.


I decided that working on my firearms skills was something that I needed. But I had a pretty intense headache that rendered me unable to move for a while. So I decided to look into cultures on my phone while I waited. Sometimes my skills are called upon when I'm shadowing a target in question. 


At around the last day of the headache, it felt like a spike formed in my brain. It caused me to jolt up, I jolted quite a lot however, my whole blanket was casted off of me, like I thrown it, and it was on the ground. In my groggy headspace, I went to reach for it. I shouldn't of been able to grab it, but it somehow flew to my hand. I fell back to sleep but when I awoke, the headache was gone, and I realized what just happened. It turns out that I have gotten the ability to move things using my mind! I thought it was just a fluke at first, but after opening up my cupboard door, grabbing a glass, and getting some water. All from my couch. I found that I could also float my Pistol as well, it's quite helpful if I ever wanted to stay in cover and fire I guess. But this is something I cannot use everyday, as it could lead to me getting illuminated in the end. But, I guess this next contract will be able to tell me what I'm capable of.


Illumination Investigation #0002-B: Completed

🔞 A Date to Remember
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🔞 Acceleration
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Warsaw Corruptions
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Snorting Magic Through A Crackpipe

Today I kind of felt like I was doing drugs, just like those junkies in the sewer


Over the course of the months. I've been studying and investigating this whole Illumination world like thing. But I've been keeping a close eye on what I call "Gifts". I've recorded each time that they shown up, and made sure that I noted down what happened exactly. It turns out that I got it down quite well. As this time, rather than the "Gift" coming to me in some unatural way, I was able to grasp it into my hand. It didn't really seem like it was, or as if I was holding anything. But I could definitely feel its power. It was inside of a closed off area, and put myself to work right away. I grabbed onto one of the vials that I had around, and just squeezed whatever I had, into it. A red liquid came out, and I put a cap on it right away.


It didn't feel like this gift was gone, yet it stayed around, giving me some knowledge on what I just did. I just created a Potion! Like one of those fairy tale potion brewers. It appeared to be pretty potent too. But it seems that it's a one use item. I'll have to keep on making them, but I do have a steady flow on them. This is going to be pretty useful on contracts now, and after further investigation, I found a really potent way to use these effects to their fullest.


Illumination Investigation #0005-B: Completed



🔞 A Party For The Ages!
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🔞 Downtime
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🔞 Party in the Desert
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