Mensa Gray's Journal


This black box doesn't have an immediately visible opening, just a few weird indents.

Oh, hey, you can press them! Wait a second---

The box contains a notebook simply labelled "Diary". A ballpoint pen is enclosed. This book is mostly blank, as though this individual started a new diary recently.

Mushroom Hunt
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From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: just checking in

Hello Papá,

I hope things are ok in Veracruz. How are you doing down there? I know it has been a long time since I saw everyone, but please tell them that I am sending all my love. I expect that things are busy as always. Has Tía Rosa found out about Juanito's new girlfriend yet? Please let me know when she does. I am sure it will be hilarious. Send footage if at all possible.

I am well. Still keeping up with my physical therapy, but I do miss having you around for moral support. The house is quieter for your absence, and it's very uncomfortable. Having to speak to some police again, which is not so fun, but oh well. I am used enough to it at this point anyway. Apart from that, it has honestly been slow goings around here. A feeling in my gut tells me that will change soon enough, but then maybe that is the IBS talking.

Recently I was feeling a bit bored, so I gave in and read one of those mindfullness articles Beck keeps sending me. Of course, her conviction that breathing exercises will somehow cure my defective collagen sythesis continues to be misplaced, but I found it beneficial nonetheless. There is something nice about being in the moment and taking stock of my surroundings. I might try doing it more often. (Please don't tell Mom--she'll mention it to Beck when she heads over to Arizona and I'll never hear the end of it)

Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Take care, and I love you.

The Backrooms
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From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: exciting news

Hey Mom,

I’ve been doing some odd jobs in my spare time. Guess who finally got a proper wheelchair again? It’s a nice one, too. Made sure to pick one without handles so people on the street don’t push me around like a baby in a stroller. It’s just plain black and gray, but I’m thinking about decorating it. Can you ask everyone if they have suggestions (But please don’t ask Beck, I do not want to hear more sales pitches from her)?

Lately I’ve been heading out a bit to reacclimate to rolling around. I feel great being able to carry stuff with me again—the chair has a great back pocket, and it fits a surprising number of things. Plus, I can leave things in my lap, which is nice for when I’m using my phone. I will concede that I miss the height I got from crutches, but it’s worth it for how much faster I can go now.  Maybe I’ll even go on one of those wheelchair-friendly nature walks, seeing as we actually have good sunscreen in the house now.

As much as I miss you and Papá, being more independent has been quite exhilarating for me. I don’t want to have to rely on you all the time and being by myself has taught me a lot about my capabilities. That being said, I’m looking forward to seeing you again. I can’t wait to hear about all the family drama I’ve missed; no-one tells a story quite like you.

Love you, Mom. Let me know if you see any nice tumbleweeds.

To Russia With Love

Here Lies Mensa Gray

Cause of Death: Granny.

Their parents will never know.

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