Jean Crevier's Journal

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Out to Lunch
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Anger Management

Ever since I gunned that man down, I've had flashbacks to how my behaviour thwarted every group that I was apart of. It's compromising my efficiency. I never let it get hold of me like this before either. Have I gone soft? Old? Bitter? My old sergeant would have put some sense into me back in the days... perhaps I should find someone who will.

I hired a psychologist in my spare time. Talked to Raphael as well, and a bit to madame Bocuse - It's been 3 weeks now and they say I've mad significant progress. I no longer explode like a petard when someone calls me a connard. I feel more in control of my emotions, and I think I know why. All this hatred to abhumans - I've been feeling it on myself, much as others. I let my sense of superiority, my spite for the power I control take the steering wheel, so to say.

No more. I'll be a better man now. I won't let wrath plague me. I won't let my spite to the abhuman decide how I will act. The world is plagued by tyrants that abuse their powers - discipline and strong morale will help me root them out.

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