"Widow" Stryker's Journal

The Seed of Persephone
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The Ring Gamble
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Moving Day!

This latest job was the final piece of the puzzle I needed to complete my preparation to leave this damned world. Before returning home to Aria and Faira I have found a quaint little cemetery out of the way of the general public that I could bring us all over to. Returning home, I have gotten our things together, and Today we move to our new home. Well, new home world. The home itself will take a bit of exploring to find. Hopefully this time we will not have to more again, and Here at least, I know there are more powerful contractors that my be able to stop what has happened to my previous homes. Hopefully someday I will be strong enough to be one of those powers as well. Only time will tell, but until then, life goes on... well for other people anyway. I believe Faira can get us a place to set camp. Aria and I are both a little out of luck on the paperwork side, but maybe we will be able to fix that some day.

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