
A world of power crazed lizard folk.

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Kek was created by bubblesmctroubles 2 years, 4 months ago

Playgroup Leader

Everybody is power hungry and either you have power or you have none.

House Rules

Contractors from Kek Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Kek grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

Going outside the polis is so dangerous, you WILL DIE without at least 4 other highly trained people with you. The forrest beyond the polis is uncharted. 

You will be strong if your species is Kek-Zeer, have good fighting ability and hard skin. 

Full Setting Description


It is the year 3000 according to the Kek-zeer.

The value of the Kek-Zeer society is to conquer. Conquer at any cost.

Us normie humans would say that Kek-Zeer people have sharp teeth and scaly skin, like a crocodile. Yes, these are lizard people. There are about 1 million of them, according to census data. 

 The supernatural is not commonplace here, however, interplanetary space travel is. 


Government: A Republic, not unlike Roman republic where landowning families from Kek have representatives who vote on military direction and allocation of resources aquired through taxation.

Economy: A feudal society with commerce existing for military purposes- mostly the harvest of raw materials and food.  

Religion: Is usually frowned upon because of the utilitarian and pragmatic values of the hegemony. The Elders say the duty of Kek-Zeer is to conquer the stars, as was decreed by the first leader of the polis, Kaam. There is a statue of him in the main port. 

Class system:

The class system is based on percieved usefulness to world conquering and keeping conquered peoples at the service of Kek-Zeer. Extremely hierarchal.

Classes (in order of percieved social importance): 

Elders: scholars and meditators on the story of Tekh the Conquerer. They are keepers of the most ancient wisdom of society. 

Senators: representatives of Houses. They vote on what decsons to go forward with on the military front and allocation of resources extracted from the colonies. Senators representing major generals have 3 votes, Lieutenant General Senators have 2 

Military Leaders ( Major generals and Lieutentant Generals) -land owning.  There are a few military families respected more than all others- Houses of Rafe, Korpin, Dizeer, Talnakt, and Vieden. They all have major generals as members of the house, as well as an Elder and a Senator each. 

Representatives- represent the midrank military members, they have 1 vote each.

Mid rank military- lieutenant colonel and colonels- smaller home owners, have lower ranking representation in government 

military Scientists - live in house of their partners, design weapons, innovate medicene and aircraft. No legal legal representation unless they can influence someone in their family who can vote for them.

military intelligensia-A class of spies, infiltrators, and data collectors for newly captured and colonized worlds. Same representation situation as scientists. 

Lower ranking military (below - captain ranking) no legal representation, usually are descendents of farmers and colonized peoples. 

miltary Merchants- move equipment and food around between planets, seen as thoughtless work. no legal representation. Usually a lot of colonized peoples and descendents of farmers.

Kek Zeer farmers- live on the lands of miliary leaders. respected for what they provide to feed the Kek-Zeer people but no legal representation. the owner of the land they work on votes. 

Colonized Peoples on their planet- The absolute only way for them to move up in social class is to join the military. Usually the highest class of colonized people are merchants of some kind. Some colonized people from other worlds include Belas, Quils, Dragars, and Dez. 


The way lower class Kek-Zeer are usually able to advance in society is through marriage to a person of higher rank and climbing military rank (which is nearly impossible without the rigorous training higher classes go through).


Land rights can only be aquired through military service. Living off grid is made nearly impossible without high level combat ability because giant carnivorous wildbirds  inhabit the dense, swampy forrests outside polises. It takes time communal effort to clear an area, sometimes years. When that task is completed the community celebrates. 


Artist/Music- A very Spartan society that views art and music as frivolous. May be used as designs for architecture, bowls, chairs- objects with utility. Music is rare, except at victory, clearing, and marital gatherings. There are very impressive war cries and drums patterns people know though.


Gender - The Kek-Zeer have no recognized binary gender. They expect masculine demeanor from everyone, regardless of biological sex, until their marital age (around 25).


In higher ranking families:

The partner who is considered higher in class at the time of partnering will be considered the "dominant" partner in a relationship. The dominant partner at this point is 9 times out of 10 a higher ranking military and own land. 

The other partner will be expected to be family historians and advisors for and to their higher ranking partner. The highest rank less dominant partners achieve is that of an Elder, and it is considered honorable to the family for those partners to become senators. Until less dominant partners reach the rank of senator, they have less power than their more dominant partner. The moment the less dominant partner has senatorial rank, the partners have equal power. When the less dominant partner reaches the rank of Elder, they bring more power and honor to their house than the dominant partner. 

It is expected that anyone above low rank military gets married, as it is advantageous for both of them to increase their power. 


There are no such expectations in gender or marriage for people in the ranks of merchants, farmers, or colonized peoples. 


Family structure 

The head of the entire house family is the person with highest rank. 

For higher ranking families- 

There are alliances of families through a unity ceremony, but the unified couple rarely, if ever, lives in the same house. They live split lives. Female Kaam-Tehr lay eggs, however, It is the responsibility of the lower ranking of the couple to be responsible for primary caregiving of the children. 

A whole "house" surrounds a body centuralized body of water, with different members of different rank surrounding it, an island in the center with the elders and children in it. 

children are raised by retired grandparents, great-grandparents, and servents in themain house  until they are 12, at which point they are sent to military academy. They will study history, science, math, and elocution.


Lower ranking Kek-Zeer people share child rearing with their farming/merchant community once the child is hatched. Oftentimes, the grandparents do most of the childrearing while parents work. 


Why do Kek-Zeer still have manual labor for farming and mining? 


They believe not all people are adequately suited for battle and therefore should not fight, so as not to slow down the strongest and waste resources training the untrainable.