Hollows 15

A world the regular fantasy setting evolved to the world of the the future.

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Hollows 15 was created by Tranks_300 2 years, 6 months ago

Playgroup Leader

Sci-Fi multiverse

In this world, many interstellar planets and solar systems exist.
(Based off of Warhammer 40k)

It is the sixteenth Millennium. The Emperor of Mankind has sat motionless on the Golden Throne of Earth for almost a millenia. By the will of the gods, He is the lord of mankind, and by the power of His infinite army, He is the master of a million planets. He's a decaying cadaver from the Dark Age of Technology, writhing invisibly with power. He is the Carrion Lord of the huge Imperium of Man, for whom a thousand victims are sacrificed every day in order for Him to live forever.

Full Setting Description

It is the sixteenth Millennium. The Emperor of Mankind has sat motionless on the Golden Throne of Earth for almost a millenia. By the will of the gods, He is the lord of mankind, and by the power of His infinite army, He is the master of a million planets. He's a decaying cadaver from the Dark Age of Technology, writhing invisibly with power. He is the Carrion Lord of the huge Imperium of Man, for whom a thousand victims are sacrificed every day in order for Him to live forever.
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Races and Species
The Necrons are a mysterious xenos species of humanoid, robotic skeletal warriors that have lain dormant in their stasis-tombs for more than 60 million Terran years, though they have begun to awaken at last. They are the soulless creations and former servants of the ancient C'tan, the terrible Star Gods of Aeldari myth. The Necrons are ancient beyond reckoning, predating even the birth of the Aeldari. At long last, however, they are beginning to awaken from their Tomb Worlds, for the galaxy is ripe for conquest and the restoration of the Necron Empire since the disappearance of the Old Ones more than 60 million standard years ago.
The T'au (Imperial binomial classification: Tau tau), also spelled Tau in older records and pronounced "TOW," are a young, humanoid and technologically-advanced intelligent species native to the Eastern Fringes of the Milky Way Galaxy. They are fighting to expand their interstellar empire and extend a philosophical concept they call the "Greater Good" (Tau'va in the T'au Lexicon) to all the intelligent species of the galaxy. The T'au claim to be a peaceful species when possible, asking if others will join their cause voluntarily instead of fighting against them. However, if their peaceful overtures are refused, the T'au may well decide to conquer a planet and add it to their growing interstellar empire for the Greater Good, searing the flesh from the bones of anyone who stands against their benign intentions.
A Perpetual was an individual who was a member of a mutant branch of the Human species who possessed seemingly superhuman abilities, the most important of which was immortality, for which they were named. Some were born with their abilities naturally as a genetic mutation, while others received them through artificial genetic intervention using advanced technology. However, every Perpetual was known to be effectively immortal, never aging and capable of ultimately healing almost any injury as a result of their extraordinarily rapid and efficient cellular regeneration.
The C'tan (pronounced ker-TAN) or Star Gods, called Yngir in the Aeldari Lexicon, are said to be the oldest intelligent beings in existence in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is said that they were created at the very beginning of the universe, spawned from swirling gases and enormous amounts of energy, and as such are etheric creatures by nature. In their natural form they are vast beings and spread themselves over the surface of a star, absorbing its solar energy to feed themselves. After a time, they learned to use diaphanous wings to travel to other stars to continue their consumption when their host star died. The matter around them was so insignificant that it did not register on their voracious appetite.
The Drukhari (Aeldarix malum) (pronounced Druh-KAR-ee) or "Dark Ones" in the Aeldari Lexicon, also known to outsiders as the Dark Eldar, are a forsaken and corrupt Aeldari kindred, the sadistic, malicious counterparts of the Asuryani. Like their cousins of the craftworlds, the Drukhari are an ancient and highly advanced alien race of fey humanoids. The alternative term "Dark Eldar," or Eladrith Ynneas in the Aeldari tongue, was first coined by the Drukhari archon and Supreme Overlord of Commorragh Asdrubael Vect in the 32nd Millennium. The Drukhari's armies, like their Craftworld Aeldari counterparts, usually have the advantages of mobility and advanced technology, though they are often lacking in resilience and numbers.

Tyranids are an extragalactic composite species of hideous, insectoid xenos. They actually comprise an entire space-faring ecosystem comprised of innumerable different bioforms which are all variations on the same genetic theme. The Tyranids are unlike any other intelligent species encountered by Humanity. They are the ultimate predators; to them, all living things, from the lowliest insect to the most advanced starfaring civilisation, are mere prey. Only now are the inhabitants of the galaxy realising the scale of the threat; unless the Tyranids can be stopped, it will mean nothing less than the extinction of all life. The Tyranid species is ultimately dedicated solely to its own survival, propagation and evolutionary advancement. The Tyranids collectively form a monstrous superorganism that travels across the universe in their great hive fleets of biomechanical Hive Ships, systematically consuming all other biomatter to enable their own rapid evolution and reproduction. Variant Imperial icon used for identifying Tyranid hive fleet activity. The Tyranids are likened to a galactic swarm consuming everything in its path, feeding on entire worlds and leaving only dead husks in their wake. Their threat is such that an unprotected planet can be infested and stripped clean of all its organic material in a matter of solar weeks without even slowing down the advance of the hive fleet.
