World of Ruin

A world post-apocalyptic where the supernatural also live.

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World of Ruin was created by Elvenlizard 2 years, 5 months ago

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Spark the Machine and Vehicle Mechanic
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Belac Rokard the Hunter/Trapper
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

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Ruined Earth

Hello, my name is Nathaniel Riker. I am a self proclaimed scientist and have been researching the world we live in with my team for 150 years. If you are reading this, the world was ruined and it was by the hands of humans.

The year is roughly 2286 and approximately 234 years ago the old world ended. Most of the people alive today don’t remember anything but the stories passed down amongst their communities and all these stories vary. Some say nuclear apocalypse and some say aliens but both are wrong, it was a series of events chained one after the other that caused the world to end. They probably could have stopped them or at the least halted them enough to prevent this but it wasn’t considered profitable. Too greedy were the humans of old and they paid for it. An asteroid impact, a global pandemic, widespread power grid issues caused by climate change then amplified by massive solar flares, greedy resource drilling causing oil spills and earthquakes, and then the monster riots. My team and I are unsure of the exact sequence of events but know they happened in a relatively short span of time, roughly 5-6 years. Knowing the old world and its failings may help us today. We must do our most. If you can read this, I need assistance. Even if you don’t have a science background, you still have blood, which I need for my continued survival. The longer I can stay alive the more I can help this world. You will be amply provided for.

House Rules

Contractors from World of Ruin Are NOT portable, and may NOT visit other Playgroups to participate in Contracts.
World of Ruin grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

Character concept is extremely important to this game; you need to ensure that all choices make sense, even abilities and skills. This world is post-apocalyptic,equipment/items are scarce,  so downtime activities become very important, even critical, to survival. You will be provided food and water for 3 downtimes and must acquire your own supply in the world before it runs out. Firearms are another rare occurrence, so much so that scavenging for ammunition and things necessary to keep them in working order will be difficult.

Downtime will be modified, you will receive two downtime actions in which you may attempt to do various activities: things like Scavenge, Travel, Craft/Create, Build, Politics, Persuade, Trade, etc! Depending on the result, you may be able to do it quickly without a downtime, or do it as part of another downtime. This isn’t meant to stifle everything you do, but instead allow your downtimes to be more impactful while keeping the lore and feel of the world intact. Powers that have to be used during downtime (like Heal Battle Scars) will not be counted against your two downtime actions.


Making a character here means they stay here, you will not be able to play in other contracts off world with these characters. For this reason I also will not allow characters to be ported over. We will be starting fresh.

You may have the gifted asset or a charon coin on your character, not both.

You may start with 10 items in your inventory within reason, certain things might require approval.

Full Setting Description

Character concept is extremely important to this game; you need to ensure that all choices make sense, even abilities and skills. This world is post-apocalyptic, equipment/items are scarce, so downtime activities become very important, even critical, to survival. You will be provided food and water for 3 downtimes and must acquire your own supply in the world before it runs out. Firearms are another rare occurrence, so much so that scavenging for ammunition and things necessary to keep them in working order will be difficult.

Downtime will be modified, you will receive two downtime actions in which you may attempt to do various activities: things like Scavenge, Travel, Craft/Create, Build, Politics, Persuade, Trade, etc! Depending on the result, you may be able to do it quickly without a downtime, or do it as part of another downtime. This isn’t meant to stifle everything you do, but instead allow your downtimes to be more impactful while keeping the lore and feel of the world intact. Powers that have to be used during downtime (like Heal Battle Scars) will not be counted against your two downtime actions.


This chart is a reference for the locations below.

Quality (across)

Type (below)






+2 Diff

+1 Diff

+0 Diff

-1 Diff


+2 Diff

+1 Diff

+0 Diff

-1 Diff


+2 Diff

+1 Diff

+0 Diff

-1 Diff


+2 Diff

+1 Diff

+0 Diff

-1 Diff


+1 Diff

+0 Diff

-1 Diff

-2 Diff


+2 Diff

+1 Diff

+0 Diff

-1 Diff

Old World Tech**

+3 Diff

+2 Diff

+1 Diff

+0 Diff

Special Equipment***

+3 Diff

+2 Diff

+1 Diff

+0 Diff

*Equipment are things like: weapons, survival gear, and toiletries
** Special Equipment are things like: flamethrowers, bullets and basic firearms, and water collectors
*** Old World Tech are things like: Silenced ARs, Antibiotics, and Oxygen Tanks

Skills used here are not listed, as it will come down to exactly how your character is approaching the situation. Leaning into your specialty is encouraged, but depending on exactly what it is, it may overlap with a different type. That type's quality will also influence your roll.

[Example, attempting to use Cha + Influence to locate and acquire Food/Water in an area with minimal population would result in a higher roll difficulty than using a skill such as Survival for the same action in a minimal population area


There are 6 different locations for this world that will influence what you can do, scavenge, and ease of survival.

Pillar City, a massive stone city on the coast of the ocean. Half of the old city sunk into the waters long ago. There is a massive population here with a thriving city utilizing the old buildings and new structures. They have limited technology, but are able to provide things like streetlights, flood-lights for the defensive wall, and other minor conveniences. There are plenty of factions that call this place home, some using strength to climb the social ladder while others whisper in the dark to get their deeds done. Plenty of corrupt officials exist alongside communities who would do anything for their families.

Pros: High population, Medium Food/Water, Medium Equipment, Medium Technology, Low Special Equipment
Cons: Some factions are anti-supernatural, Everything has a price, Politics, Scarce Old World Tech, Minimal Resources


Stranding Desert, a wide reaching desert with few people and natural resources. Scavenging for food and water here is difficult. Knowing how to do so is required to survive (i.e your character should have high survival). Once you look past the harshness, the Desert has treasures abounding in the form of old world technology and information. There are even some places where you can exchange items for food and water in a pinch, though the prices are barely better than robbery. Technology is present but it is mostly small scale things like solar panels to power water harvesters.

Pros: Minimal population, Medium Old World Tech, Medium Special Equipment, High Equipment, Supernaturals mostly ignored,
Cons: Minimal population, Scarce Food/Water, Scarce Resources, Average Environmental Dangers, Minimal Technology


Winding Forest, a massive overgrown forest unchecked and unhindered by human intervention for a long period of time. Now there are small cities located inside that are complete free bastions for anyone, if you can survive the journey to find them. The forest is also home to a massive population of monsters, creatures, and supernatural people. Cities function mostly similar to the wild west of old.

Pros: Medium Population, Medium Equipment, High Natural Resources, Medium Food/Water, No laws
Cons: Aggressive Population, High Environmental Dangers, No Laws, Scarce Technology


Frozen North, considered by most a desolate wasteland harsher than the desert but the few who know better thrive here. The Frozen North is home to a bastion of old world people and their descendants who live here. They live in a multitude of underground bunkers, some interconnecting, some isolated from others. If you can survive the harsh climate, find food, and know where to look, there are a lot of benefits to scavenging here.

Pros: Minimal Population, High Equipment, High Old World Tech, High Special Equipment, High Water, High Technology
Cons: Minimal Population, Extreme Environmental Dangers, Scarce Food, Don’t like outsiders, No obvious supernaturals near the old world people.


Free City, a medium-sized city with a diverse population. Here the communities formed are all in the spirit of helping others. They don’t care who or what you are so long as you assist in providing for the city. They might not have much in the way of equipment but survival and natural resources are easy to come by here. Most of the technology they do have is extremely practical, utilizing things like water mills to power much-needed equipment.

Pros: Medium Population, High Food/Water, High Natural Resources, Open Community
Cons: Minimal Equipment, Scarce Old World Tech/Special Equipment, Minimal Technology

Liquid Industries, a small city populated almost entirely by sentient robots/androids and a handful of humans who are deemed capable. Anyone wishing to visit must have a pass that is only received as an invitation from citizens or by bartering interesting enough equipment/technology to grant you a one-day pass into the city. To become a citizen, you must provide the city with a service deemed momentous. If you are able to get inside it is a sight to behold, technology almost as abundant as the old world. As long as you have things to barter and trade you can find almost anything here. The dark secret: supernaturals who happen to get in and are found out tend to become imprisoned and forced to provide services to the city. Slavers are paid good prices for Fabricating and Repair powers.

Pros: High Food/Water, High Technology, High Old World Tech, Medium Equipment, Medium Special Equipment
Cons: Minimal Natural Resources, Scarce Population of non-robotic beings, Special criteria to enter, Anti-Supernatural