
Calculating Adept

Omnitox has played 7 Contractors in a total of 21 Contracts, earning 17 Wins, 1 Failure, and 3 Contractor Deaths.

They have survived 6 Contracts where another Contractor died.
View Contractors

Pillow Referee

Omnitox has run 3 Contracts and 0 Moves in 2 Playgroups for 9 Contractors and 8 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 10 Gifts, failed but survived 0 times, and met with 0 unfortunate ends.

They have achieved the Golden Ratio 0 times.
View Contracts and Scenarios


Finn Armstrong The Night Guard Knight

A Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

V1VUS The Automaton Tool

A Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

Donald Rykard The drifter ruthless avenger

A Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

Peter Morgan The Flowershop Owner Vampire

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

Isaac McKnight The Waiter mischievous spirit

A 8-Victory Novice Contractor from Maelstrom

Paul Regan The Librarian Puppet Master

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

Thumb The Orangutan protector

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

Maguron A25 The Exiled Soldier Alien Overlord

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

Charlies Bane The Janitor Superhero

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

Jack T. Ross The park ranger monster hunter

A Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

Micheal Saint The lawyer fury

A Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

Frank Smith The Postman Oracle

A Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

Martin C. Roosevelt The public servant godlike leader

A Newbie Contractor without a home World

Larry Clampitt The zoologist amphibious protector

A Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

Plimbo The Homunculus companion

A Newbie Contractor from New Edenia

Crypto The hermit apex predator

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Deceased Contractors

Alfred Birgir The Janitor vessel

A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor from Maelstrom

Oliver "Slug" Green The simple man indomitable force

A 4-Victory Novice Contractor from Maelstrom

Contract Record