Abbas Oliver Serna's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 10, Exit Interview




What?? Where am I? Where's my bow...

I'm just here for a interview...? 

... Oh I see... alright. 

I don't really live anywhere. I'm nomadic by nature, the Nian will never allow me to stay in one place. Not only that, but by nature, I go out to seek creatures that doesn't belong or threatens humans. I have no place I belong to... though I will state, I was born in a tribe, within the depths of the Amazon Rainforest. Due to this, I tend to live around nature, generally away from civilization, It gives me comfort and a sense of peace to just witness nature for what it is, compared to the strong stench of oil, gas, sewage, and the loud sounds of the city.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 10, Exit Interview

Isn't... that... a little personal? Well... I guess it depends on how open I answer...

My main source of income is from hunting and selling the scraps. I have a hunting license and I often hunt games and sell it to like, butchers, local groups, and the likes. Is a farmer having trouble with boars? I go out to take care of it. It's not great work, but it's honest work. Also since I don't actually have a house, I have significantly more spare income than most others.

Spending it? I mainly spend it on gears and supplies. From water to dried ration, to basic salt and arrow, occasionally, that includes tools too, things such as hammer, shovel, and such.