Zhu Gāngliè's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Zhu Gāngliè's first Contract.

Zhu lives in  Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China. He was reincarnated there 100 years ago and currently stays there due to the underground punk and metal scene, notably slam and goregrind.


He lives in an apartment within the city, one noted for low prices and a landlord with low standards, due to his monthly antics of transforming into his piggish form. His current roommate is Luo Guozhi, part of one of his projects, (name ironically meaning may the state govern), and is a little in the know, mostly because he's distantly related to another fallen heavenly entity, which gives him a little ability to see through the Haze.

The apartment is small, with peeling wallpaper and one bedroom. Zhu sleeps on the couch usually. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Zhu Gāngliè's first Contract.

Zhu gets most of his money from performances, currently working with Luo and a few others in a slam band called Meng Hsiang K'eng (猛獁象屍坑), or 'Mammoth Corpse Pit'.

He mostly spends his money on rent, a large amount of food for himself, and occasionally helping with equipment for the band and maintenance for places they stay at. Plus redistributing it around other groups to keep others alive.

He did used to steal both money and food from chain stores occasionally, but got out of the habit when he grew and became more recogniseable due to his piglike features.