Lou's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 4, Root of All Evil

Previously, Lou lived and spent his life in a maximum security prison, hardly ever getting to interact with anyone at all, other than the guards offering him his daily meals or taking him to even more solitary confinement than his regular cell, before this he lived with his uncle, who he very..very much hated, before that, he lived with his parents in a pretty normal household, and these days he lives in Mexico.

Having escaped from prison with the help of the temporary harbringer of pride, he found himself in Mexico with an interesting group for a contract, and decided to stick around as one other member of the group did too.

With the help of another contractor, Billy Chance, a particularly rich one, he’s gotten himself a nice home, and is working towards getting some semblance of education underneath his new Alias ‘Fran Pinto’. He’s already working, so maybe he can pay off Billy, eventually.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Root of All Evil

Lou makes his money through manual labour in Mexico, having been in prison, he’s spent a lot of time exercising and weight lifting, and as a result he’s fairly strong and full of endurance, making him well suited to the work in high heat environments. He makes an alright wage for his conditions, certainly more than he made before coming here. He’s putting a big sum of it aside to pay Billy back for the housing, but spends the rest of necessities, leaving him with only a little to soend on himself, but again, it’s much more than he had before so he finds nothing to complain about there.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Root of All Evil

His ultimate ambition, his magnum opus, what he wants the most, is to see his goals realised. Being a terrorist, Lou has a strange moral compass and vision as to how he sees the world. In his own words, he sees it as far from saving, corrupted and imperfect in every way, and that instead of helping or charity, the only way to set things right is to eradicate humanity entirely, perhaps even make the earth itself uninhabitable. He’s certainly started his goal, by blowing up the vatican, making most Catholics an immediate enemy to him, but he doesn’t wish to stop there, he wants and needs to go further.

Occasionally, his beliefs falter for a moment, but then he remembers all he’s been through. Maybe these beliefs are changeable yet though. He doesn’t really tell anyone he’s particularly close to about these plans however, so they wouldn’t know unless they’ve read his odd and frankly insane manifesto or listened to any interrogation videos involving him.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Root of All Evil

[[Warning for subject matter.]]


When he was younger, Lou lived unwillingly with his uncle, a seedy man who scammed for a living. He wanted nothing to do with him even before anything happened, sticking to himself and hiding away in his room, using what little money he had to buy tubs of icecream, eat them, then throw them at the wall.

He’d read long books about complicated topics, mainly political, some historical, many scientific. That’s how he’d spend his time, ignoring his situation.


Drunk and on who knows what else, the only other person in the house began forcing his way into his room, and onto Lou.

He was unable to do anything about it, and lived in horror every night as he had to lie there. 

One day, he did the only thing he could as a weak adolescent, stealing the firearms from the safe they kept in the house incase of breakins, and blowing the mans brains out onto his bedroom wall.

He took the guns, rations, and two of his books with him, and ran.