Albert's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Albert's first Contract.

Albert does not live in a particular city or town, for he has become a nomadic vagabond on the last few years. His home takes many forms, albeit mainly that of dugouts under bridges, with shallow ditches being a bed and little else but a whip among his posessions, and whatever trinquet he has manually crafted to make his accomodation a bit more comfortable.

Due to his extremely odd and uncanny appearance, Albert is usually restricted to living in the forests on the outskirts of the cities or areas that are mostly, if not completely isolated from the general population, just very occasionally going into town proper albeit mostly staying out of them.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Albert's first Contract.

Albert does not get money in any way shape or form, as neither his appearance nor his mental state would realistically allow him to get a job of any kind.

To sustain himself, Albert tends to hunt any wildbeasts he can get his hands on or gather plants, herbs, roots or anything that is readily availible in the caves to make homemade soups with, the only thing he is able to consume due to having sewn his mouth together. As for any trinquets he may hold, he either crafted hem himself, or scavenged them from the trash, if they were not directly given to him by some compassionate soul.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Albert's first Contract.

His sole ambition is to gain redemption, not from a god, not from society, but ultimately from himself, a nigh impossible task due to the memories of his actions during life.

As for how far he's willing to go, his life within itself is already quite the statement on it. His constant self-flaggelations, the state of constant pain he forces himself to be in, or the fact that he has burnt his own vocal chords with boiling water before sewing his own mouth shut are quite a statement of how far he strives for redemption.

While coming to death itself even is viable to him, killing would be completely out of the question. After all, one cannot achieve redemption by comitting one of the sins you're trying to redeem yourself from.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Albert's first Contract.

The most defining moment for Albert's life was, well, his life back on Earth, before coming to the underworld. This life, a product of the intense madness he saw himself inbued by, was full of criminal endevours, of which murder might have been one of the softest crimes he committed. Child sexual trafficking, torture with forced cannibalism, slave trafficking.

All of these are just some of the unspeakable crimes he did under the impression of being an ancient Eukelesian conquistador with the holy duty to begin the colonisation of the wastes, and suddenly seeing himself surrounded by heretics, heathens, demons and a traitor sitting int he throne back in Eukelesia.