Sean McAlister's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 6, Creatures From Another Moon

Ah, ye see, I'm a proud Scottish man wi' a wee cabin in a bonnie village nestled in the Scottish Isles. And ye ken what? I'm proud because I'm Scottish, ye see. Wi' a heart full o' love fer me country and a twinkle in me eye for me lass, I couldn't ask fer more. Me cabin, oh it's a gem it is, cozy and warm. Wi' a few rooms, a garage, and even a wee basement, it's a haven fer me and me beloved. The smell o' the peat fire fillin' the air, creatin' a sweet nostalgia that warms me bones.n d Och, the beauty ye dinnae ken, aye! The village, perchéd on a cliff by the sea, meself immersed in golden sunsets and salt-kissed breezes. The rugged hills surroundin' us reveal a tapestry of lush greens, vibrant purples, and golden hues, aye, pain'ed by a master's brush. And every season brings its own charm, ye ken? Spring blooms wi' a myriad o' flowers, dancin' in the whisperin' wind. Summer, ah, it's a bonnie lass in her finest dress, wi' long, lazy days and mellow nights. Autumn, a symphony of colors would ye believ', as the leaves turn fiery red and amber. And winter, wi' its cloak o' snow, transformin' the land into a magical wonderland. But aye, the most cherish'd treasure is me wife. She's the heart and soul o' me life, aye. Wi' her fiery hair and smilin' eyes, she's me rock and me comfort. We walk hand in hand, explorin' the bens and glens, sharin' laughter and lovin' whispers in the wind. o, ye see, havin' a cabin in the Scottish Isles fills me heart wi' pride, love, and a deep connection to me bonnie homeland. Wi' me lass by me side and the never-endin' beauty of the isles, I truly am the luckiest Scottish man alive.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 6, Creatures From Another Moon

There's nae greater joy in life than makin' an honest livin' wi' yer hands. And that's exactly what I dae, ye see. A proud Scott, wi' a thick brogue, I proudly serve me local village by repairin' farmin' equipment and vehicles. Oh, the hum o' a workin' tractor engine, the smell o' diesel in the air! It's like music tae ma ears! There's satisfaction in fixin' somethin', ken? Makin' it good as new again. It brings a smile tae ma face when I see the farmers back on their fields, their machinery runnin' smooth 'n sae. But ye know, it's nae just the business that keeps us goin'. See, I fought for this bonny land in the war, and tha' comes wi' its perks. A wee bit o' extra cash from the government for bein' a veteran helps aye, keeps the wind fae blowin' too hard during lean times.S o, I'm a proud Scot, earnin' me bread through honest work, keepin' the village chuggin' along. I'm grateful for the support of the community, and the added help fae the government. And as lang as these hands can work, ye'll find me here, fixin' whatever needs fixin', makin' me livin' proudly. Wi' teh spare cash, of course I invest in craftin' equipment, might as well, seeing as I need a proper arsenal to fightoff the Aliens.