Coltrane "Cole" Optrata's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Coltrane "Cole" Optrata's first Contract.

Cole lives in a high-rise apartment in Los Angeles, California, having moved there mostly because it of the medium supernatural population and the drug scene.

He could easily link with existing syndicates there, and get both easy access to money and monsters, able to gain status and easily feed and achieve his goals with less opposition than a powerhouse of supernatural community like New York City. 


The apartment is mostly black and white, familiar due to his laboratory upbringing. A kitchen, living room with a window view, main and guest bedroom and a bathroom. The fridge is mostly filled with live or frozen insects and organs, and he's converted some storage into both an information storage area and a playroom for when he captures someone and can't kill them immediately. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Coltrane "Cole" Optrata's first Contract.

Cole is linked in with some drug syndicates in Los Angeles, mundane and supernatural. He started as a cleaner, taking out and disposing of humans and nonhumans, able to get settled as an intermediary. Not part of any group in particular, but often called upon to clean up a mess or two, and jumping at the chance. 

Oftentimes he gets a share of whatever was stolen, or shipped for his troubles, either as a gift or after numerous threats, selling or trading it for some cash. 


He mostly spends the money on new equipment, building most things himself and prioritising reliable, private services. He also pays off witnesses, and/or stores money in various offshore accounts for easy access when he travels. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Coltrane "Cole" Optrata's first Contract.

Cole's goal is what he was trained and made for. To destroy unruly supernatural creatures. He was made with both a hunger for them, and a hateful attitude. They are a stain to be bleached, and a parasite to root out. He would and has killed for it many times, oftentimes barely caring whether they'd done anything or not.

He knows he still has a way to go before he can rival many, so he constantly strives to take more, and consume more to grow in strength. 

He came close to death once, facing a juvenile werewolf in his youth. He was almost killed, but this allowed his first transformation and the subsequent victory that allowed him to gain his current freedom as an agent.