Joshua Morris's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Joshua Morris's first Contract.

Hell Michigan is a lovely place. Great weather in the summer, and beautiful snow during the winter. Nothing can possibly compare to the lush greens of spring, and the beautiful colors of the fall. On top of that, the lakes are the most gorgeous things to ever be willed into existence. The vastness of them make it seem more like oceans than anything else. Among all of that, the people here are quite kind and understanding to friends, family, and strangers alike. The flora and fauna are also quite unique. The whitetail deer and rabbits, among other creatures; it's all quite the spectacle. If that isn't enough, it never gets too hot. The only thing that is not the best is that it is considered a tourist attraction city. Even then though, having people come and go, meeting them is always a positive. That and the fact that they help keep the town afloat.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Joshua Morris's first Contract.

I get most of my money through many ways, as the Lord would allow. Mostly, I get paid by receiving a salary a diocese or through ordination societies. Once and a while, I will have housing allowances when people stay, stipends for when it is necessary, some form of bonus from our amazing church, or even parishes if you could believe it. I would only spend what is needed in order to sustain myself, and then do my best to give back to the community that has treated me so kindly over the last few years. So mainly food, any form of living, and a couple of things that are only fitting.