John Doe's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before John Doe's first Contract.

John Doe lives in downtown Manhattan, in a nice apartment building nearby his workplace.  His living space is decorated with modern furniture; a black plush couch and matching coffee table, carefully lined up with each other.  Art is placed carefully to add interest to the walls without cluttering the area.  The kitchen is well-equipped, and everything is in its place.  The counters are kept pristine, and the refrigerator is meticulously organized.  The king-sized bed is always carefully made, and the closets are carefully organized and properly stored.  The entire apartment is meticulously cleaned, and to the point where it almost seems that like no one lives there.  There are no personal effects, the place is almost like a high end hotel rather than someone's home.  

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before John Doe's first Contract.

John Doe is an executive assistant working for a large company in Manhattan.  He works directly for one of the higher-ups in the company, managing their schedule and emails.  John spends a majority of his monthly income maintaining his facade as a successful businessman.  He has a nice car and goes out for expensive dinners with coworkers to build up connections.  His rent is a sizable amount, as his apartment is in a desirable area of downtown.  He also buys expensive clothing and watches to impress those around him.  After his rent and other material goods, he has roughly $2,500 in expendable income every month. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before John Doe's first Contract.

John Doe's ambition is to eventually put himself into a position of power where he is able to control events on a global level from the background.  John has begun his journey in a large company in Manhattan, building connections to powerful rich people that have pull in high places.  Though he does not enjoy it, he is willing to suck up to whoever he has to in an attempt to get himself higher up in society.  John believes that he himself is meant to take his place as the ruler of all humans, and everyone around him was put there to eventually be watched over by him.  He does this not purely as though he is so much greater than everyone else, but more so that they are all clueless, like a flock of sheep that need a shepherd to lead them.  This will not prevent him from using them in any way possible, however.  He would gladly kill and torture whoever he has to if he believes it will lead to his eventual goal of leadership.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before John Doe's first Contract.

John Doe's most defining moment would be when he suddenly felt the realization that he was not the same as the common folk around him.  People around him all had feelings and showed emotion, empathy and whatnot.  John does not fully align with societal norms, and struggles to corroborate the feelings of those around him.  For example, John was at a funeral once, and instead of crying and feeling loss, he did not feel much of anything at all.  He felt as though the person who died is gone, they lived their life, their time was up.  He did not see it as a loss of life, but instead a part of a cycle that continues on after even he is gone.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before John Doe's first Contract.

John Doe is not an overly outgoing person, and the connections he does have are mostly superficial:

Sarah Davis - Sarah is the person that John tends to as a office administration assistant.  She is an executive at the company, she dresses in sharp business-casual attire.  She is very outgoing, and is almost able to see through John's facade.  She sees him as a very hard-working introvert.  To John, she is simply a person who is higher-up than him, and she is completely fooled by his facade.


Alex Thompson - Alex is an employee relations manager working for the HR at the company John works at.  Alex is very off-put by John's seemingly disconnected emotions, and tries his best to point this out to everyone around him.  His calls, however, all fall on deaf ears.


Michael Rodriguez - Michael is the CEO at the company where John works.  Michael is very charismatic and smart as a leader, and makes a very fun environment in the business while also making sure there are profits.  Michael sees John as a great employee, but also a very insignificant one.