‘Octavius Green’'s Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before ‘Octavius Green’'s first Contract.

His previous home, before the posession, was simple, despite that he had eventually pulled himself from poverty he never upgraded the small cluttered home he lived in, the workshop jammed right next to the small kitchen.

After the posession, the entity decided a move was in order, tossing out ‘useless’ posessions of Octavius, anything he didn’t deem important and swiftly making his way to England, he took residence in a fairly fancy home in the countryside, away from anything busy, and via the means of selling ‘useless’ posessions and puppets he didn’t deem perfect.


The only people who visit the manor are personally invited, and it is not often he personally invites anyone, otherwise, the halls are left dark and dusty, an unsettling aura reflected in every corner and nook of the large and empty household. It does appear that he has a penchant for antique furniture however, as the houses interior feels like a time machine upon stepping into it, floral patterned carpets and silken curtains, eerie blue stained glass windows and various vases filled with unchanged stagnant water and dying flowers.

This is a house holding a dark secret, maybe several, and this is a house of mourning and sadness, no light permeates through the stained glass, through the silken curtains and onto the floral carpet. And perhaps no light ever will.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before ‘Octavius Green’'s first Contract.

Octavius makes his money through his craft, his vessel was and technically still is a master at creating and crafting the most lifelike of puppets, and so the craft is continued, creating strange and stranger puppets for a select few, and commercially made, fancy but average puppets for upcoming and returning puppeteers, some of these puppets even seem a little..too lifelike.

Other than this craft, he rents out his old place, having sold all the posessions but the base furniture, selling the location for anyone who wishes to stay there.

He has enough money to upkeep what he needs this way, money saved, and no more.