Father Thistles's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, ANOINTED

Before America I lived in an old market town near Sherwood Forest. Anytime anyone asks me while over here, I simply say I lived close to where Robin Hood did. It was a divided town and rather large at that. One side was where the old miners were moved to after they were all closed and lacked jobs. Cheap, small, and crammed. Because of that an air of crime developed there. The other half were where the middle class and upper working class lived. Alongside the occasional manor house from the truly rich.


I lived and worked at a Church between these two areas. A large church too to fit the town. A relic, missing what would have been a monastery if it wasn't reduced to rubble by a greedy king a few hundred years prior to my work there. I would run services there for many years. It had crusaders crosses carved into the masonry of the main door and he stored a number of WW2 relics that were donated to us by members of the congregation.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, ANOINTED

After the millennium exorcism cases began to rise. As an Ex-priest I would leverage that experience to get into wealthy homes to help sure their children of demonic possession. 


It was while I was performing my first exorcism I discovered the latent power of my crucifix. I recall seeing what couldn't be anything older than 12 years old girl, covered in scratches and bruises. I raised the crucifix and began to start and incantation. Imagine my surprise when I saw he rise up into the air and be pinned against the wall. How she shrieked, pleading she wasn't possessed. 


I don't believe in demons, and since that day never will. All my patients have admitted to taking their condition. But, I'm paid well for each time I finish one of these exorcism's, and I help one person realise the error of their ways each time.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 3, "Fishheads

The world is corrupt, riddled with vile messengers of sin. No organisation, group, family or government finds itself in this age without some kind of corruption gnawing away at the roots of its foundations. 


I will change this.


I've been given something by God, he guided these odd people towards me to empower me. If I do not move myself above the other contractors there corrupt and horrid desires will ruin the world. I take these jobs and burden myself with negative actions for the good of man. I have realised that some people will brawl me for my actions, so be it, let them come. I want them to try stand against me, I want them to try me and my fervour.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 3, "Fishheads

Back in England, when I worked the church, it was calm and peaceful more often than not. Of course, the church was in the rougher end of the town so every now and then an inebriated hooligan would come through claiming to be the son of God or some similar statements. I was naive. 


It was bitter outside, and the Sunday sermon had finished. It was midday but the sun was still no where in sight. The clergy and I were doing various jobs around to prepare for a baptism later in the day. Some young couple from a town over had two children they wished for us to bless and we would happily oblige. But there was a clatter, a muffled shout and a series of shattering from across the church. I turned, and to my horror I watched as rubble flew through each of the stained windows. Sending a spray of shards across the church. I watched Peter, a memeber of thr clergy who was stood under one of these windows, look upwards to be met by a spray of multi-coloured shards. The cry of children came from outside, hooligans.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, "Fishheads

I've distanced myself now, it means that when these Contracts backfire I'll be far away from them. 


Peter, a member of the clergy at my church back in England. He and his wife were always at the church. Always there to help with every task. Peter last I saw of him was being escorted to hospital and his wife Helen was crying by his side. I'll never forget them, the virtues they demonstrated, they were truly diamonds in the rough. Perhaps one day I will return to England and greet them with open arms to show them what I can achieve. 


The other was my Mother. Father was not happy when I mentioned my plans to become a Priest. It was like a soppy Victorian love story where he threatened me with being disowned. All that was missing were the tailcoats, dresses and a woman I was deeply in love with. Mother however stuck with me through everything, trying to call Dad whenever she could and give me guidance at every opportunity. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, "Fishheads

How I wish I could go back to the days where everything was simpler. Mother was a procurement officer for a local town council, and Dad was an IT manager of another local council. Neither were happy with their jobs but worked through it all the same for me. Dad had dropped out of university because he couldn't cope and Mum always said she messed around.


School was easy, till it wasn't. It was like hitting a road block, being pushed against a wall by the pressure of my parents. I did my GCSE's and A levels, only struggling towards the end when I was 17 turning 18. I was pushed towards university with my mediocre grades, but I had other ideas in mind. I had been saving up ever since I got a job and planned to move to the Continent and become a Priest. Father was disgusted, a waste of talent he said. He offered me gifts and so much, threatened me and took away. Mother supported me throughout it all, and in the end I left the Contininwt before my 19th birthday.