Clark Heath's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crimes of Passion

I live in Detroit, while it isn't typically glorified as the best sort of place, my father and I both grew up there. My house is an old 2 story building built during the 1950s with white walls and a green tiled roof. Inside the house hasn't been the best maintained with cracked paint and warped wooden floorboards that I really need to take out. The furniture is more modern but sparse since its just for me, I mainly have a couch and leather recliner that I like to relax in after a long day of repairs. In my bedroom I have a PlayStation 4 and a flat screen tv that I got to play with my dad when he was still around. There isn't much else since most of it had to be sold to pay for expenses but I still have a beanbag chair and a mattress to sleep in.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crimes of Passion

I work as a HVAC technician and handyman, though work has gotten harder since the accident and I've needed to take odd jobs to help pay for medical bills and the loan I took. Typically my paychecks go towards the bare essentials for groceries, bills, and dealing with the interest from my loan from that loan shark. If I'm lucky I can get a high paying job at some corporation and I can go out to celebrate at a fancy restaurant. My plan is for my next big job to go to a new Korean BBQ place I've heard about so I can try out the real thing.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crimes of Passion

I want to tear down this corrupt system both medical and judicial. I want to make sure that we can have affordable healthcare so that nobody else needs to take predatory loans like I had to do. If I must I will overthrow the government and tear down these insurance companies and remake the laws surrounding medical accidents so people can receive proper compensation for accidents instead of being blocked by arbitrary decisions made by "experts" to block any attempts at financial aid. I don't know if I have it in me to kill another person for this but who ever thinks they can kill another man. If I was ever given the chance I would go until I die to make the world a better place for those who can't afford treatment like I was.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crimes of Passion

The most defining event of my life was the accident. It was when I was working as an HVAC technician while working on a ventilation issue in a factory building. I had received a call that the ventilation wasn't working properly yet little did I know that there was also a gas leak on site. By the time I smelled the gas it was already too late... Someone lit a cigarette and everything went white. I guess being in an enclosed space managed to save me since I'm still around, though the explosion did get to me and the rubble broke most of my limbs. By the time the paramedics recovered me I was severely injured and nearly died, and while I have fully recovered, I was left with a horrific scar over the left side of my face that scares everyone that sees it.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crimes of Passion

To start I would like to mention my little sister Caitlyn. She was a very energetic lady and loved playing sports and always hung out with the neighbors. Unlike me she was very outgoing and befriended everyone she met. We were very close as siblings but we sort of drifted apart after our parents died, I wanted to keep the house but she couldn't stand it and moved out of state. We still talk all the time and I've confided a lot with her but I don't have the stomach to tell her about the accident I got in nor the fact that I had to sell so many household memories to pay for my bills. Next there is my friend Thomas, he was someone who I met online and played games with for years until we found out we lived 5 miles away from each other and met up in person. He has always been moody and loves to dress in black and gray clothing, and if it wasn't for the fact we occasionally meet up to get coffee, I would assume he is a vampire since he stays inside all day long. It doesn't help that he loves to be dramatic and cosplay with some red eye contact lenses to sell the joke. Finally there is my coworker Rowan, he is a bit over the top and makes some dumb decisions in hopes of getting reoccurring customers. While he does a good job he isn't the brightest and has on occasion given what he calls a "Free Sample" where he repairs home appliances for free to show his skills, most of which being huge jobs that could earn him thousands of dollars only for him to take a job for a few hundred on some minor repairs.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crimes of Passion

I had a nice childhood for being an odd kid. I was what my parents called an extroverted introvert, I liked talking to others and performing magic in front of friends but I would always need a period of quiet to recharge and relax. My parents were great people, my father was a mechanic and would teach me about cars and other life skills when he wasn't working and we weren't playing video games. My mother on the other hand was who my sister took after and was an ex-athlete who would coach my little sister since her dream was to get into the Olympics. I attended school and got into a trade school once I graduated high school. At first I didn't really fit in with everyone else until my classmates found out I could perform magic and card tricks which earned their respect. Thanks to my sister joining a year later, I became somewhat popular just because of my sister's bright and cheery nature.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Crimes of Passion

I have not, in school I was too interested in learning various crafts and once I graduated I immediately got into the field. While my family was well off I wanted to earn as much money as possible to get a house of my own, but little did I know all that money would end up being burnt up to pay for my medical bills, which ended up causing me to focus even more on work until I lost most of my social life. I do hope that once all these medical expenses have been paid off that I can find a woman to settle down with and start a family, along with getting in touch with all my lost friends and family.