Comte (Earl) Valentin Chaussinand-Nogaret's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Comte (Earl) Valentin Chaussinand-Nogaret's first Contract.

Comte Valentin lives in a rather fanciful Chateau in rural France, far from other settlements incase the odd crowd with pitchforks shows up, afterall the French riot against anything, he isn’t taking chances there. 

Having been in his family for a long time, it’s been in his control for far longer with his immortal life, and he takes as good care of the place as he can, hiring maids and groundsmen who may or may not share the curse to look after the place day and night, keeping it pristine.

Having a penchant for Rococo fashion and style, the inside is decorated accordingly, and even the gardens are fitting of nobility with fountains, deep red flowers and marble statues. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Comte (Earl) Valentin Chaussinand-Nogaret's first Contract.

He doesn’t work, at least not these days, having saved up a sizeable fortune in his time. Otherwise, his maids and servants often bring belongings, not their own of course, on the off chance they might require extra funds, but this is rare these days. His fortune is vast, and he isn’t going to run out of money anytime soon.

Although, he does get rather odd stock traders showing up to his door now and again, they’re of course invited in, but hardly ever seem to make it out in one piece. Oh well, the stock market isn’t in Valentin’s interests anyway.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Comte (Earl) Valentin Chaussinand-Nogaret's first Contract.

Quite simply, a lust for more power, he’s not incredibly evil by any means, but as undead, he’s usually considered as such, even if a man’s gotta eat.

He’s already died, but he’d likely come close a second time (he’d try not to though) to attain this. He’d go far to acheive his goals, no matter what they may be, and afterall, he has all the time in the world to acheive them, so there’s no rush or time limit, he’ll inch his way there, and attain a much sweetee victory that way.

Other than the basic ambition of more power, he’s likely looking for more companionship, he’s been hanging around the same people for a century or so, and this gets boring after a while.