Evan Fleury's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Evan Fleury's first Contract.

Evan lives on the mean streets of Quebec. This wasn't his choice, he simply ended up there after he lost his book store to corporate price gouging. The various homeless shelters around town are his home, unfortunately though he has to share those with a wide variety of troubled people. Drug addicts, people driven into criminality and the desperate. Of course Even too is a criminal and he spends his days trying to pickpocket wall street bankers and politicians.

When he actually gets some money that way he immediately spends it on a night in the most expensive hotel he can find, only to escape it before the cops come a-knocking.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Evan Fleury's first Contract.

Day-jobs and theft. Evan Fleury is a talented pickpocket but his preferred targets, the rich, spend more and more time in gated communities and inside protected office buildings.

So washing dishes for less than minimum wage at a local diner, La Girafe affamée - the hungry giraffe, is keeping him above water when Quebec's soup kitchens are closed.


Evan's money mostly goes towards food but when he can grab a banker's credit card he spends big. That's how he got his tailored suit and that's how he keeps it clean. Otherwise, hotel rooms and a gym membership are high on his list of priorities.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Evan Fleury's first Contract.

Evan has a number of goals, divided by how urgently he feels they need to be achieved:

  1. Get a job
  2. Get a permanent home
  3. Get to the man responsible for closing down his book shop
    • Kill said man
  4. ??????
  5. Create a better world by forcing people to accept that the poor and downtrodden are still people and worthy of help, even if they can't contribute to society in a capitalism approved fashion
    • Probably by killing all the rich people


Evan is bitter about the events that led to him losing his livelihood and he has spent enough time on the streets, has had to fight long enough for what he has left, that he just doesn't care anymore. He is not out to punish the rich and powerful, he is out to kill them! Fear for his own life is what keeps him from just taking a rock to the next banker's head but you can only see so many homeless die under a bridge to a drug overdose before even that fades.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Evan Fleury's first Contract.

Seven years ago, Even had just fulfilled his life-long dream of opening a book shop, is when everything went downhill.

A businessman had approached him and offered to buy his shop. Naturally he declined, after all, things were going well and even if he was unlikely to ever become rich Evan had enough to live and he enjoyed what he was doing.

Then a big retailer opened a branch right across from him, BookMart, the #1 chain of book stores in the country.

Even had to lower his prices but suddenly his suppliers either wanted more money from him or refused outright to deliver him more product. He hired a lawyer, tried fighting against these predatory practices but he had no chance.

When he nearly bludgeoned his opponent inside the court building with a wall lamp he was tasered and thrown into prison.

He looked at several years for attempted manslaughter but his court case, together with his passport, any documents that proved he existed and anything he had ever owned just disappeared.

The cops beat him and dropped him somewhere in the streets.

No future, no chance.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Evan Fleury's first Contract.

Jean-Pierre - He owns 'La Girafe affamée' and helps out Evan by letting him work in his restaurant. He exploits Even but he is honest about it and really, that's all Even could ask for.


Mike Gerald Smith - 'MG' for friends. He owns a franchise gym in the heart of Quebec and he is easily Evan's closest friend. They met a couple years ago when Evan helped him fight off a bunch of robbers trying to break into his business. Over a hot meal and shared wounds they exchanged stories and Evan sees a bit of himself in Mike.


Wendy - She's the admin of the city run homeless shelter 'Rainbow Avenue' which Evan frequents very often. It counts among the city's best which is also why it so often has no space left for people. Wendy runs the place with an iron fist but she holds no malice for the desperate in her care, she simply knows that if she didn't maintain order then soon her shelter would look as rundown as the majority of shelters in town.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, ANOINTED

Evan grew up in Quebec, on a normal street, to normal people. But maybe things weren't quite so... boring. He couldn't remember his parent's faces. The school yard bullies, he remembered the feeling of their hands on him, taking things from him. But their names? Their faces?

The earliest moment he remembers with clarity is the joy of opening his book shop. The first customer, the book he sold them. A story about an Irish family, each dealing with their own trauma, from war, absence, mental abuse, loneliness, until they... something. Maybe he didn't remember it that well anymore.


But his past? He learned that trauma affects the mind, but so severely?

His mother, her name was...mom? No, Zelda. A tall red-haired woman, she taught writing classes at the local college. His dad, Frank, a grouchy man of few words, a veteran that had lost a leg in combat.

That was it, right?

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, ANOINTED

Evan Fleury, by no means an ugly or unbecoming man, has never loved anyone before. Its not that he didn't want to but his dream always came first. So school, work all that took up his time.

Saving up his money made it hard to go out and have fun with friends. So he just never met anyone.

Once or twice he had a brief 'moment' with a customer. Woman who had been very straight-forward in their interest in him. Not that he ever saw them again afterwards but that suited him just fine. His needs were taken care of and he could concentrate on his work once more.