Adam Atler's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Adam Atler's first Contract.

Adam lives in Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas. He was born as raised in Arkansas, and since his entire life had been wrapped up in the same state, he never quite had a reason to go out and do anything else. Recently however, the itch to do something with his life beyond the drudgery of a 9 to 5 has been calling to him incessantly. 
As Adam is single, he lives in a small, but nice, apartment near his job. He keeps the main living area and kitchen clean and fashionable in case he has anyone over, but his room is a mess of workout equipment and practice swords. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Adam Atler's first Contract.

Adam gets his money from a soul wrenching 9 to 5 cubicle job that he has because what else does life have to offer? He’s an accountant for some branch of an insurance company that does not care for its customers. He’s good at the job, but he certainly doesn’t do it for passion.

Outside of work, Adam spends his money on workout equipment, and historical memorabilia. Along with other necessities to live, groceries, alcohol, gas, the works. The only thing he really has outside of work is his training regiment, so that’s where most of his expendable income goes to.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Adam Atler's first Contract.

Adam is getting closer and closer 40. And he’s done absolutely nothing of importance, nothing to leave his mark on the world. A supernatural world, and not once has he touched it. So, on his 35th birthday, he began training, just in case. Didn’t have a full plan on what exactly he planned on doing, but by god he’d be ready for it when it came to him.

To put a mark on this world, if he needs to, he is more than willing to kill. If he doesn’t make history, then he might as well be dead already. Even if he dies trying to do something, and fails, then at least he died trying to be somebody. So, he is more than willing to kill and be killed for what he wants to accomplish.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Adam Atler's first Contract.

His 30th birthday. Nothing about the day was bad. His friends and family threw him a nice party, the air was jovial, things were fine. Then his father, jokingly, told him “Congrats buddy! One step closer to the grave.” Adam laughed at the joke, but he started really thinking about it. He WAS getting closer to death every day. And what has he done? Absolutely nothing. Or at least, nothing of importance. So, that night while in his comfortable bed, he made himself a promise. He was going to get ready. Ready for what? He wasn’t sure, but he would be ready for whatever that was.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, To Russia With Love

3 People in Adams life are his boss Kirk, his coworker Ted, and his father. This boss is a crotchety old man who hardly knows how to use the technology required for the jo he got decades before. He has thick coke bottle glasses, is balding, has some liver spots, and for some reason unknown to the universe, he likes Adam. Adam doesn't know what he did to deserve the admiration of Kirk, but without him, he wouldn't have his job. His coworker Ted is younger, early 20s for sure (although Adam never asked). He has frizzy red hair and freckles that make him look even younger than what he actually is. Adam took him under his wing, and now they have a report, going out to drink after work on occasion. Finally is Adams dad, Paul. Paul is an older man, getting close to 70 now. But he stays healthy, and is the clear genetic factor of where Adam gets his size. He speaks through actions, and is stoic through and through. He is also the man Adam can come to if he ever needs advice, or just a shoulder to cry on.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, To Russia With Love

Adams's childhood was limited to Arkansas. So was his adult life, but that's a different story. His parents were Paul and Stacy, who both cared for and loved Adam, who was an only child but made sure not to spoil him. Paul was an overseer at a factory, and his mother was a part-time cashier at a local general store. For his whole life, Adam was big, so he was naturally recruited into sports. He was never a terribly extroverted person, but having extroverted jocks as friends tended to make up for that. During high school he got into varsity football as a starting O-lineman, and just cruised through school with minimal issues, save his low grades. Hardly scraped by with a diploma, but he managed it. After that he went to UArk, and buckled down to get a degree in accounting. Hardly interacted with anyone, but again, just cruised through with minimal issues.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, To Russia With Love

Adam thought he was in love before. A girl in the same grade as him during high school named Jessica. Jessica was a cheerleader, very pretty, and about as quiet as Adam was. A match made in heaven. Turns out, just being attracted to someone does not make a perfect match, and over time the fire of the relationship died out. After that Adam has had a few flings, but nothing he would consider love. He's tried... or more so trying, but nothing has clicked for him quite yet. With his new contractor job, we'll see if he ever has time to find someone else, or if he's willing to put them through his possible (likely) demise.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Beware the Assassin!

One of Adams biggest fears is the fear of being a nobody. Someone who peaked in high school and did nothing with themselves after. He is screaming up on 40, and the only thing of importance he has done in his life was help win "the big game" back in '04. That was 20 years ago, and all it did was bring some pride to his school and put a trophy on the shelf. What has he done since then? He works a dead-end, albeit nice job. He's single and is not planning on having children. His hobbies won't help the world any, at least not in any way that matters. He has nothing, and is a nobody. And what is worse than being a nothing in a world that can create gods among men? Adam also fears all the normal things that come with being a human. Death, maiming, big scary monsters, the usual things. But those have been superseded by the will and drive to become something more than what he is now. Another one is his worst fears is watching someone he knows die in front of him, when he feels like he should have been able to stop it. That one is more recent, but it's been on his mind.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Beware the Assassin!

One of Adams's prized possessions has come to him very recently. It's the sword and sheathe pendant he wears around his neck all the time. This pendant can of course be turned into a full-sized, glowing magical sword with a bunch of other properties. The blade is engraved with the knights' chivalric code in olde English, and the sheath is a quality dark brown treated leather. The golden glow increases whenever Adam throws a swing from a seemingly impossible distance away. But it isn't the magic itself that makes it one of his prized possessions. It's the fact that he earned that gift. He clawed his way through near death, and his reward for it was something truly awesome. It's a physical representation to the fact that he can do something with his life, that he can become something more than a guy who peaked in high school at a dead-end job.