Abigal's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Abigal's first Contract.

Abigal lives in Jackson, Wyoming. She is here to hide out away from the prying eyes of the Vatican. This small town had a low number of contractors which would guarantee her work while she is not the best at managing her finances She knows that as long as money is coming in she won't have to worry about budgeting or saving. Is it short-sighted? Yes! Is it all she can manage right now? Also yes. Is it nice that Wyoming also has a low cost of living? Yes. Did you know that before moving here? No not at all. Maybe the coincidence was a small favor from the Devil she deals with.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Abigal's first Contract.

Abigail's money mostly comes from completing contracts or winning from fight rings. While bad with money their roommate Charlie handles a lot of the budgeting especially since covid nine teen drove up inflation. Abigal can be quite frivolous with money; especially when it comes to food, mainly meat. A new hunger has lived in her chest since making the deal and very little can sate it outside of bloodshed and violence, but a 'rare" stake or a few cheap burgers might just take the edge off. Wile a bit costly food is cheaper than the resulting bail and lawsuits of leaving that hunger unchecked.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Abigal's first Contract.

The End of Billionaires is a good and just thing as are as Abigal is concerned. While in the convent she looked into the eyes of so many people whose problems could be solved by only a fraction of what the one percent hoard. So many problems in the world are caused by greed. Thus removing the greedy and reimbursing that wealth back to the population would improve the lives of so many and would be an act supported by the will of god. But this vendetta set in when a filthy elite entered her convent and began a slaughter in the name of power and money. The blood and bodies of Abigal's mentors and friends were a sacrifice for one person's greed and they took those lives without any hesitation or moral upset.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Abigal's first Contract.

Abigal lived in an orphanage, but turning eighteen and being told she no longer had a bed was a defining point. The Nuns that ran that orphanage worked quickly to funnel her into a nearby convent for training and with no other options she went with the flow. Her vows were not spoken out of conviction, but rather convenience. Her faith could have been considered weak in comparison to those who sought out the cloth, but in the end, when you know of nothing else very little can shake your foundations. That is until everything comes crashing down so suddenly. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Abigal's first Contract.

Charlie Levitsky a fellow Contractor and her roommate had found her living in on the campgrounds of the national park. they had taken a few jobs together before Abigal showed a bit to much of her hand mentioning how she was happy to have some food money after a completed contract. After that, the two ended up slowly becoming roommates after Charlie let Abigal stay over several times each instance getting longer and longer until Abigal became a permanent member of the household.

Father Mackenzie the fucking bastard exorcist that has taken it up as his holly mission to kill her. Viewing Abigal as the perpetrator in the slaughter of her convent. He had chased her through most of Europe until she was a to flee with the help of an American Tourist who had wanted to make her a wife. Once landing in the us She fled hoping to distance herself further away from Father Mackenzie.

Sasha Levitsky Charlie's younger sister whom Abigal unknowingly has developed a crush on. Due to her complicated background with religion is not aware that she can feel this way about other women and also once figures this out may still continue to deny this to maintain the same kinda of relationship with their friend Charlie (Sasha's older sibling)