Jade Arrison's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jade Arrison's first Contract.

Jade resides in a small, studio apartment on the outskirts of the city on the top floor of their building. The apartment itself is very barebones- minimum furniture, walls are bland and free of decoration, a couch, a bed, a TV, a full kitchen complete with a stove, and that's it. Their prized posession, cared for more than anything else, is a single ornate katana. It sits as their only centerpiece and talking point (or lack thereof). Within their bedroom there exists a pinboard where they organize plans and keep their moral codes written down. They live in this area due to it's great view of the nearby city, allowing them to scope and scout things out. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jade Arrison's first Contract.

Alongside a small monthly stipend from their mother, they work an average job that pays well enough. Merely only enough to get by. But soon enough, they will earn plenty of money from their contracts. Jade sometimes finds money through crime fighting, the little of it that they do. Getting rid of smalltime criminals pays, i suppose. Jade usually spends their money on rent, food, groceries, and sometimes a lofty purchase of some fancy dinners every now and then.

Due to their newfound job as a contractor, a good chunk of their wardrobe has been replaced, including their favorite jacket from a few years ago. Jade also owns an extensive collection of video games mostly sitting in the Hack And Slash or Soulslike genres, alongside a flagship console to play them on.


3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, To Russia With Love

Jade seeks to rid the world of all things crime, from a young age they had a very strong sense of justice as well as judgement. As they grew this simple desire was a point of obsession for them, going as far as picking up a sword and taking up the title of 'Vigilante'. No matter where they are in life, or who they've become, they have never once let up on this value. Jade sticks well by the 'Ends justify the means' philosophy in most situations, as long as lives are at stake and there is justice to be wrought, they will bring it.

Jade has yet to actually kill anyone, or even begun their adventure as a crime-fighter, but by becoming a contractor, they have taken up a far heavier task. They would stop at almost nothing to bring down a big-named criminal, such as a mob boss.