Robert "Xy" King's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Robert "Xy" King's first Contract.

I live with my family in a penthouse in Houston! Being able to see the entire city from the windows really helps elevate the atmosphere, though sometimes I feel the environment's a little too grand for my tastes. That's not saying there's anything wrong with grandeur; I was raised in that kind of an environment, after all! Rather.. I'd say the lack of variety is what kills it for me.

Being in a large city with relatively friendly people, at least when compared to Dallas, is enjoyable, too. With so much area, if I start an entire new venture - a frontier of magitech - then I'm sure to get many paying customers with the right advertising and contacts! So, ideally, after enough exploration, I can start an age of magic to augment, improve, or even replace the current technological age!

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Robert "Xy" King's first Contract.

Right now? Most of it is thanks to the financial success of my familial predecessors! However, I do enjoy dabbling in work myself, as there's nothing quite like getting to do stuff with your own two hands. It's why I'm an aspiring inventor, after all!

I haven't sold anything I've made yet because I mostly just create trinkets, but hopefully, through contracts and experience, I can learn to forge technologies that would very easily withstand the test of time.

I also draw, and am always willing to sell my artwork, though it's hard to find buyers, hence the contract work to occupy my time!

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Robert "Xy" King's first Contract.

It's scary to think that I might die on these journeys... but I have faith everything will work out right in the end! My ambition is to uncover a way to tap into the magical energies of the world, and draw those energies out, without any powers required. I want to develop technology that can replicate magic, to give to the people who live a generally mundane life, and to open a new era of technological development!

If I can find a power source to draw from.. a font of limitless energy... then I only need to find a way to extract it without powers, and.. well.. anything's possible from there.

After all, in a world of supernatural occurrences... magitech has to be attainable somehow by the common masses!

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Robert "Xy" King's first Contract.

It's hard to pick a defining event. I really just lived my life, striving to reach anything I wanted to...

I guess the moment I realised it wasn't satisfying enough? Somewhere along the way, I realised I wanted more. I wanted to do something with my life instead of having it all handed to me. I wanted genuine friends rather than people who want my money, or the same family. I wanted... excitement and meaning in my life.

It's why I became a Contractor in the first place. Now I'm just waiting for my first Contract, and... well, from there, we can do some exciting things!