Yvon Frère's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Yvon Frère's first Contract.

Yvon is from Privas France. He enjoys the natural landscape of rural France and the quiet it provides. He used to live in Lyon for a good amount of his personal career but appoun retirement he moved to more a rural area for cheaper land. He purchased a large estate with a simple home with a lot of land. His home is a 5 bed room two bath but only two of the rooms are set up as bedroom the other were made into a library/study, a billiards room and a trophy filled with minor artworks and sentimental trinkets.  The house also has a good sized conservatory that seconds as a bar and host space.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Yvon Frère's first Contract.

Back when I was a younger man I worked in Lyon I started my career working in the Jardin des Plantes it was an enjoyable job and the maintaining of public places brought a great amount of fulfill though it did little to fill my pockets sadly I worked there a great many years back in that time people didn't simply jump around jobs like the youth do now days. Eventually I found a job at one of the private estates in the rich part of town. Head of grounds and gardens was my title I was so proud of it back then. I spent the rest of my career there and retired at the age of 62. I have found enjoyment in buying minor art peaces I am a large fan of art fairs it is simply a pleasure to meet the artists who made the art that fills my home. Past that I believe a gentleman should be well dressed and so I spair no expense on my wardrobe. I also have inkling for buying novels I have quite the library to show for it you should come see it some time I can make tea and show you my gardens.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Yvon Frère's first Contract.

I don't really have much ambition left for that is for men much younger than I. But I do have some simple dream left I wish to go off and have some adventures before age takes my final flame. I know it is not proper for one like me my leg doesn't work like it should so I walk with a cane and a limp, but that won't stop me.  My other hope is that if the world permits I would like to cross the gap that separates me from my love, nature. I have heard of being called ents or tree shepherds. That's sounds quite wonderful to me. Hahaha or maybe I could become a beautiful nymph. I believe I saw one a long time ago, but that was almost a lifetime ago. Go on now I'm sure you have better things to do then listening the dreams of a old man.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Yvon Frère's first Contract.

What a silly question, you want me to pick one. Perhaps the deaths of my parents,  maybe time spent with one of my lovers, the death of a friend would be a good choice, or maybe just a normal day some time in my young years wandering the woods. *A distance looks comes in to the Yvon's eyes* do you understand the point I'm trying to make here Life is long and to try and to rank the experiences one has had dimishes them all. I can tell you on the other hand I can tell you how I have changed. As a young man I seeked the approval of the world around me. Upon come into my own I grew more selfish I strive for money to fill my home and cover myself with things of beauty. I wouldn't say I was a greedy man but rather a board man. And now I'm not sure what kind of man I am and that is all I believe I wish to tell you today I have grown rather tired.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The High Cost of Living

The name of my housekeeper Aurélia Soyer. She has worked for me for the last 12 years. I don't really feel like I need the help, but the Celliers insisted I have some one check on me so she visits me around 1pm to make me lunch and tidys up the place. She cooks well and I don't mind the help I just don't Need it.

Another close friend Régis Prudhomme has been my bridge partner for 40 years at least now. He worked as a officer before he retired. We have an ongoing bet on who will die first, But I'm quite confident in my victory there is no way I will outlive him especially with the dangerous nature of my resent outings.


Tristan Cellier is more of a son then a friend. He is the son of my old employer Mr, Cellier. After his father died me and the rest of the house hold staff took extra care to watch over him. Don't tell him that he would be so mad, that boy is so headstrong and independent. I can't imagine where he got it from. Also the nurve of that boy he threaten to burn the garden down if I didn't retire. Hahaha that was good times I told him if he did that I would have to work another seven year to fix it. I did listen to him though. I think he is the only person younger then me I will listen to about my health.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The High Cost of Living

I was born in 1935 my childhood was a troubling time the war started when I was 4 and we were occupied by the Nazis the next year I don't remember too much from that time thankfully I only remember the later parts. My father did tell me lots of stories though, he fought in the resistance so I didn't see him often most night visits and almost always with someone who was hurt or need hiding. Me and Mom quickly became impressed nurses. School was interesting in the day I went to the mandatory German schooling language was the only useful thing they taught me the rest of it was brainwashing nonsense about there glorious leader and other propaganda. And at home when there was time my mother would teach me properly about our culture and history.  I after occupation Father returned home and I renterd normal school. Me and my classmates got along wonderfully we all had a shared partisom that I feel is no longer shared with todays yout. I understand though we lived in a time that was unlike anything the children of now will have to go through thankfully.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The High Cost of Living

Oh many a time I could fill days telling of my romantic escapades. I've always been quite the lady's man, but none of them really stand out to me now. I never had a lover who's spark lasted. Don't get me wrong I've had some I was with for a few years, but I never married something always just felt missing. There was one time but I can never tell if it was a dream. I was wondering deep in the woods one afternoon and I encountered a woman spun of sunlight and falling leaves. She was wonderful we talked and talked for hours In those woods until she said her time was up. I tried to follow her but it was as if she vanished into the trees themselves. I tried to find her again I've sworn I've heard her voice a few times over the years but I've never found any other trace. Perhaps I made the whole thing up too much drink and tall talk to my fellows told a lie so good I convinced myself but I hope not it would be nice to see her one last time.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, ANOINTED

Cages. A long time ago when I was a boy I was taken by ss officers in for questioning during my walk home from school. France was under Nazi occupation at the time. The put I'm in prison and demanded I tell them about what members of the community were part of the resistance or were hiding enemys of the state as they called them. At the time my own father was a resistance fighter and my mother had been hiding wounded or wanted Jews and resistance members. I was tariffed of my family being taken from me and stated I know nothing. They beat me screaming at me saying I knew things and it would be easier to tell them sooner. They kept me overnight and released me the next morning. I returned home bloody and I couldn't even look at a policeman German,French, or otherwise for years afterward. Even now I still can't stand cages regardless of the use they remind me too much of the fear and pain I felt at that time. I once tried to adopt a pet but the moment I entered the kennel I was petrified and needed to leave. I did end up getting a cat but I had to have them show me pictures and do outside visits.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, ANOINTED

My fathers Fusil Automatique Modèle 1917, In french the words "for the fuhrer's friends” and the Cross of Lorraine decorating its barrel. My father had a sense of humor that even the war could not kill. He always kept it around to remind him of his service to his nation even when it went against itself, and has a reminder of the pain he caused. I have an Iron Cross that was also given by him that came from a soldier he killed. He took it as a trophy at first, but later swore to find that man's family and return it. He never did, I tried to find them too but never could. I suppose it could have the same value to someone else as my father’s gun has to me. He used to take me out to shoot it when I was over my head with anger or stress. The gun never helped me but the time with him sure did. After his death I probably went through 500$ of ammo an entire afternoon. I’ve used it about two or three times after that when I did know what to do and was looking for his advice. The Bang Bang Bang of bullets destroying targets seem to bring his words from old talks back to mind.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Scenario for The Village 2

Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I'm a old man. Yes the contract has restored some of my youth to me it isn't a all cure. My body aches for days after each contract. Without the healing I have obtained I would still be hobbling all over the place. It nearly cost me my life on the last job. But I'm working to fix that my walks have started to become jogs every few days. I have also joined a fencing class. I think that it will prove useful in a pinch, but I truly hope it doesn't come to that. Other then that I have been having some trouble with my friends they keep expressing concerns for my well being. Yes I understand what I'm doing is dangerous, but its not like a I was going to live much longer anyway. I suppose I would scare my younger self with how little I fear for my life at this point. but hey he has already lived that life its time for me to live this one.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Scenario for The Village 2

I wake up at 6:30 and take walk around my chestnut stand. after my walk I return to the house for simple breakfast; espresso, eggs, and a pastry or crepe. I usually read the paper during breakfast. Once I finish that I start on the outdoors work for the day. Whether it is pruning trees or tending my garden. I'm going to have to hire someone to re-gravel my walkways. After that I take a quick shower  and trim my facial hair. Then I go on a longer walk in the woods I usually end up at the pavilion I have higher up on the mountain. There I take a quick rest and enjoy the view. Depending on the weather I will bring a book and read in the outdoors, but if it is poor outside I will return to the house and read in the conservatory or library. I end my morning by starting a kettle for tea. That I drink with my house keeper before she starts making lunch.