Franklin Saint's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 2, Smell no Evil

San Francisco, my city of choice. There's something enchanting about the fog-kissed hills, the eclectic neighborhoods, and the vibe that pulses through the streets. Why here, you ask? Well, there's no place like it.

The energy in San Francisco is unlike anywhere else. It's a haven for the unconventional, a sanctuary for those who march to the beat of their own drum – much like myself. The city is a melting pot of diversity and innovation, a perfect backdrop for someone with supernatural creatures as companions.

Sure, LA might have the glitz and glam, but San Francisco has character. The Golden Gate Bridge stands tall, like a guardian connecting the bustling city with the mysteries that lie beyond. The tech hub, the artsy enclaves, and the history that whispers through the Victorian architecture – it's a tapestry that never ceases to amaze.

My apartment, perched in the heart of the city, is a cozy refuge. The walls adorned with artifacts from my supernatural escapades, a testament to the extraordinary life I lead. The view from my window reveals the eclectic skyline, a canvas painted with the vibrant hues of the sunset over the Pacific.

Why San Francisco? It's a city that embraces the strange, the extraordinary. In the midst of the chaos and the fog, I find a sense of belonging. It's not just a place; it's a partner in my adventures, a silent witness to the supernatural and the mundane coexisting in a delicate dance. So, while the world may offer countless cities, San Francisco will always be home – a canvas for the extraordinary tales of Franklin Saint and his peculiar companions.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Smell no Evil

Money's a peculiar thing in my world – a blend of the supernatural and the mundane. Mr. Talent keeps my bank account buzzing with his cryptic contracts. Training a ghostly companion or ferrying a vampire dog, each gig adds a few more bills to my wallet. It's a dance with the supernatural, and the pay is just as otherworldly.

Then there's the anchor in the normal grind – my gig at Walmart. Bagging groceries and handling the day-to-day hustle. It might not be as thrilling as battling supernatural foes, but it keeps the lights on and the fridge stocked with essentials. A steady income in a world that's anything but.

Now, where does the money go? Well, it's a pragmatic affair. Rent for my cozy apartment in the heart of San Francisco – can't beat the vibes of this city. Groceries to feed both myself and my not-so-ordinary companions. And of course, there are the odds and ends, the tools and resources I need for the unpredictable gigs Mr. Talent throws my way.

I've learned to straddle the line between the extraordinary and the routine, and my wallet is no different. It's a balance of the supernatural and the everyday grind, making sure I have what I need to face both the mystical and mundane challenges that come my way. After all, in a city like San Francisco, you need a bit of magic to pay the bills and keep the adventures rolling.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Smell no Evil

My ambition? It's a fire burning deep within, a hunger to be more than just a guy in the crowd. I want to be the strongest superhero the world has ever seen – a beacon of hope, a guardian against the things that go bump in the night.

I'm not just chasing personal strength; I'm after a legacy, a tale that resonates through the realms of the supernatural. I want to be the one they talk about when the dust settles, the hero who faced the unknown and triumphed.

How far am I willing to go? I'm pushing my own limits every day. Delving into the mysteries, facing down creatures that would make most folks run for cover. It's a journey of self-discovery, unlocking the potential within me and becoming something more.

Would I kill for it? No way. My goal is about protection, not destruction. There's strength in preserving life, not snuffing it out. I walk the line between light and shadow, seeking power without compromising the principles that define a true hero.

How close to death would I come? Well, I've danced with danger, stared into the abyss, but I'm not here to court death for its own sake. Survival is the key – emerging stronger, wiser, and ready to face whatever comes next.

This isn't just about personal glory; it's about becoming a symbol, a force for good in a world teetering on the edge of the supernatural. I'm Franklin Saint, and I'm on a journey to be the strongest superhero, to etch my name into the tales of the extraordinary. The path is perilous, but the destination? It's worth every step.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Smell no Evil

Before I ever signed The Contract, there was a defining moment in my life that shaped the path I tread today. It wasn't a supernatural encounter or a mystical revelation; it was the gritty, physical realm of boxing that left an indelible mark on my soul.

I found myself in the ring, fists clenched, heart pounding. It wasn't just about the sweet science; it was about the raw, unbridled experience of facing an opponent head-on. The sweat, the blood, the rhythmic dance of combat – it all resonated with me on a primal level.

The most defining event? Stepping into that ring for the first time. The roar of the crowd, the anticipation hanging in the air – it was electric. With each jab and hook, I felt a surge of adrenaline, a rush that transcended the mundane. It wasn't just about winning; it was about the visceral thrill of the fight itself.

How did it change me? Well, it taught me about the power that resides within, the strength that emerges when pushed to the limits. It was more than just physical; it was a mental and emotional metamorphosis. I discovered a part of myself that thrived in the heat of battle, a part that craved the challenge and the sweet taste of victory.

That defining moment in the boxing ring set the stage for my journey into the supernatural. It was a precursor to The Contract, a glimpse into the potential that lay dormant within. The love for the fight, for the struggle, became the foundation upon which I built my identity – Franklin Saint, a fighter in both the physical and supernatural realms.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, Smell no Evil

1. Mr. Talent:

Mr. Talent, the enigmatic architect of my supernatural exploits. A figure cloaked in mystery, he's the mastermind behind The Contract, pushing me into the heart of the supernatural. His guidance is both cryptic and indispensable, steering me through the shadows and revealing the arcane secrets that lurk beyond the veil of normalcy.

2. Mom:

My anchor in the human realm, my mom is a source of comfort and a reminder of my roots. Her warmth and support ground me amidst the chaos of the supernatural. Though she may not fully grasp the intricacies of my extraordinary pursuits, her love provides a sense of normalcy that I cherish.

3. Jann Tsu:

Jann Tsu, a name that resonates with echoes of conflict and mystery. Our paths crossed in a chaotic skirmish on that flight, and her presence left an indelible mark on my journey. A formidable adversary, her motivations are shrouded in enigma. The clash with Jann Tsu wasn't just physical; it was a glimpse into a deeper, hidden world where adversaries may be more than they appear.

These three individuals — Mr. Talent, my mom, and Jann Tsu — form the pillars of my life, each contributing to the complex tapestry of my existence. From the supernatural guidance of Mr. Talent to the familial ties with my mom and the enigmatic clash with Jann Tsu, they shape the narrative of Franklin Saint.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Smell no Evil

Growing up in the Saint household, my childhood was a unique blend of love and aspiration. My dad, Travis Saint, may not have been the perfect father, but he had his own way of leaving an impact. His love for boxing was infectious. From the first time he took me to a match, the sound of leather hitting leather and the roar of the crowd became a symphony that lingered in my memories.

Dad wasn't one to shower us with words, but his silent encouragement spoke volumes. He motivated me to step into the ring, cultivating a passion for boxing that became a defining aspect of my life. His love for superheroes and Marvel comics opened up a world of imagination, planting the seeds of a fascination that would later intertwine with my supernatural journey.

On the other hand, Mom, Monae Saint, was the heart of our home. Always working tirelessly, she strived to provide happiness for me and my two siblings, Jill and Don. Her efforts created a sense of stability amid the quirks that surrounded us. Mom's warmth enveloped us like a comforting embrace, and her dedication to our well-being laid the foundation for the love that echoed through our home.

School Days:

Navigating the school corridors, I found myself straddling two worlds. Excelling academically, I was fueled by the motivation instilled by both my parents. Dad's love for boxing pushed me to embrace the sport, while Mom's hard work and determination inspired me to succeed in all aspects of life.

Yet, fitting in was a challenge. The peculiarities of my family's dynamics, coupled with the supernatural undercurrents that permeated our lives, made me feel like an outsider. However, in a few close friends, I found acceptance. They became the allies who understood the complexities of my upbringing.

Reflecting on my childhood, I realize that the imperfect but motivating presence of Dad, the hardworking spirit of Mom, and the shared love for superheroes laid the groundwork for the extraordinary journey that lay ahead. The Saint household, with its quirks and love, shaped me into the supernatural adventurer navigating the boundaries of the ordinary and the extraordinary.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Smell no Evil

Love, a tapestry woven with threads of joy and heartache. In the corridors of my romantic history, three names echo – Rachel, Sarah, and Mia. High school relationships, each with its own flavor, all experienced during the tumultuous pandemic years of 2020-2022.


Rachel, the first to dance into my heart. A whirlwind of emotions and teenage dreams. We reveled in the simplicity of stolen glances and whispered confessions during those early pandemic days. But as time unfolded, so did our paths. Life took us in different directions, and we learned that some loves are destined to be bittersweet memories.


Then came Sarah, a burst of light during uncertain times. We navigated the complexities of lockdowns together, finding solace in shared laughter and stolen moments. Yet, the flame that burned brightly amid the chaos eventually flickered out. Our paths diverged, leaving behind the echoes of what was, tinged with the understanding that not all connections are meant to withstand the trials of time.


Mia, the third chapter in my pandemic romance trilogy. We explored the world of virtual connections, crafting a love story through screens and pixels. But as the world outside our virtual bubble beckoned, so did the realization that some connections are transient. Our paths diverged, leaving behind a digital trail of memories in the virtual landscape.

Jann Tsu:

And now, Jann Tsu – an unexpected twist in the narrative. Mortal enemy and the latest addition to the chapters of my love story. Love, in its most enigmatic form, has taken root in the fertile ground of conflict. Despite the battles and animosity, there's an undeniable attraction, a magnetic pull that transcends the boundaries of reason.

Jann Tsu, with her mysterious allure and the clash of our worlds, has become the unexpected beating heart of my current romantic saga. Love, a complex dance of emotions, continues to weave its threads, entangling me in a tale where adversaries may find solace in the most unexpected places.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Smell no Evil

In the shadows of the supernatural and the mundane, my worst fears emerge, haunting the corners of my thoughts like specters waiting to materialize.

Losing Someone I Love:

The fear of losing someone I love is an abyss that threatens to consume me. It's not just about the pain of separation; it's the void left behind, the haunting echoes of laughter and shared moments that become silent whispers. The very thought of someone I care about slipping through the cracks of existence terrifies me. It's the fear of facing a world where their presence is replaced by an irrevocable absence, leaving me to grapple with the hollowness that lingers in the aftermath.

Fear of Missing Out:

The fear of missing out is a relentless companion, especially in a world where the supernatural and the extraordinary coexist. Every mission, every encounter holds the potential for discovery and growth. The fear gnaws at the edges of my consciousness, reminding me that every decision, every choice, bears the weight of unexplored possibilities. It's the dread of waking up one day, realizing that the paths not taken are lost in the folds of time, leaving me to wonder about the untold stories and the uncharted territories that slipped through my fingers.


Abandonment, a specter from the depths of my psyche. It's not just the fear of being physically left alone; it's the fear of being deserted emotionally and spiritually. The dread that those I hold close will, one day, decide that the supernatural trials and tribulations are too much to bear. It's the worry that the peculiarities of my life will drive away the very connections that anchor me in the human experience. The fear of being left in the wake of an empty promise, surrounded by the echoes of once-shared dreams.

These fears, intertwined with the fabric of my existence, shape the shadows that dance in the recesses of my mind. In the pursuit of the supernatural, the ordinary fears become amplified, each one a reminder of the fragility of connection and the uncertainty that lingers in the wake of every decision.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Smell no Evil

In the tapestry of my peculiar life, a few items stand out, cherished not just for their physical presence but for the memories and significance they carry.

1. The Old Boxing Gloves:

Tucked away in a corner of my apartment, worn and weathered, are the old boxing gloves my dad handed down to me. These aren't just pieces of leather and padding; they're a connection to the silent motivation he instilled in me. Every time I slip them on, I feel the weight of his unspoken encouragement, a tangible reminder of the love that transcends words. The worn stitching and faded leather tell a story – a story of battles faced and victories earned, a legacy passed down from one Saint to another.

2. Dad's Marvel Comics Collection:

A treasure trove of nostalgia and imagination, Dad's Marvel Comics collection occupies a special place on my bookshelf. Dog-eared pages and faded covers bear witness to the countless hours we spent immersed in the tales of superheroes and otherworldly adventures. Each comic is a portal to a time when the ordinary transformed into the extraordinary, and every flip of a page was a journey into the realms of imagination. It's not just a collection of comics; it's a legacy of shared dreams and a love for the fantastical.

3. A Weathered Journal:

Amidst the chaos of supernatural encounters and mystical missions, there's a weathered journal that holds the echoes of my thoughts and experiences. Its pages, filled with scribbles and sketches, chronicle the highs and lows of my journey. It's more than just a record; it's a testament to my evolution, a tangible reflection of the trials and triumphs that have shaped me. The worn cover and ink-stained pages are a tangible reminder that every experience, no matter how extraordinary, can be captured and preserved.

These possessions aren't just items; they're anchors to the past, bridges between the ordinary and the extraordinary. Each one carries the weight of memories, emotions, and the essence of what it means to be Franklin Saint – a supernatural adventurer navigating the complexities of the human experience.