Canton Deckard's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Canton Deckard's first Contract.

Why live anywhere when you have your bike?

Because i can't live anywhere. Not where there's eyes. Not where there's Primus.


Deckard's reliance on their motorcycle is for one simple reason- they're being hunted. Being spotted by anybody with group ties is a death sentence, and being captured is a worse one. Even if they stay in one place, they can't stay for long. Homeless shelters are a usual spot, and if that doesn't work, grocery store parking lots and middle of nowhere gas stations will do the trick. 

Deckard's bike is rather unassuming, your standard fare for a road nomad- a piece of shit Harley with saddlebags and space to carry. This is Deckard's home, one of their only claims and ties they have. It's the fastest, most convert method of transport.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Canton Deckard's first Contract.

What's all this? we can't eat green.

I'm not sure. I think we need it.


Deckard gets most of their money through pawning things off, it's a hard lifestyle to maintain, especially when you only carry cash. Occasionally, someone drops their wallet, mabye they forget some change at a laundromat, they're sure nobody would be missing it. They don't quite know why money's as hard to find as it is, especially when you've lived a life from cage to cage. As for spending it, it often goes towards the simple things, Gas, food, water, the occasional camping supplies, and scrap wood.


3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Canton Deckard's first Contract.

Oh, i know exactly what i want.

Not until later. It's too big a risk.

...I want it too.


Deckard wants nothing more than asylum. Solace, some kind of closure. A selfish goal of forcing someone to pay a debt, so to speak. If that involves the deaths of Primus' staff, then so be it. Primus made them this way, stuck them with managing a force outside of their control. Deckard does not feel free, even though they're as free as they'll ever get. Once this is all over, maybe they'll search for a cure. Maybe they'll accept their other half. Deckard's purpose as a living weapon leaves them with a rather tunnel-visioned outlook on how to go about their goals.

Truly, outside of revenge, Deckard only wants freedom. Freedom from commanding voices, freedom from running, freedom from fear. At all costs, they refuse to give up their own ways. Perhaps they even want someone who shares their plights. They will do whatever they have to in order to achieve these goals.