Abel's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Abel's first Contract.

New Orleans, the sewers. Bruno's home in the sewers is a dark, damp, and labyrinthine network of tunnels and chambers. The walls are slick with moisture, covered in slimy algae and patches of mold. The air is thick with the stench of sewage and decay, making it difficult to breathe for those unaccustomed to such an environment. In one corner of the den, there is a makeshift bed made of discarded trash and debris, where Bruno rests during the day. Piles of garbage and discarded items litter the floor, collected by the monster over time. These items serve as both insulation and decoration for the creature's lair, creating a chaotic and unsettling atmosphere. The sound of dripping water echoes throughout the space, occasionally punctuated by the distant rumble of passing subway trains overhead. Despite the darkness, faint shafts of light may filter down through grates or cracks in the ceiling, providing the only illumination in the otherwise gloomy habitat. Overall, Bruno's home is a bleak and inhospitable environment, perfectly suited to the creatures solitary and nocturnal existence in the depths of the city's sewer system.