Anastasia Marigold's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Anastasia Marigold's first Contract.

Anastasia lives in LA where she was born. Her house is an apartment on the first floor of a big flat. She is a recluse who prefers to stay indoors because of her scar. She picked up proofreading as a way to make ends meet while staying inside. Her house is a bit cramped but has lots of plants, contrary to the depressing sight full of cement that is her neighborhood. She has paintings of sceneries hanging awkwardly from the walls as she tries as much as possible to make her home remind her of nature. Her office is in her hall/living room and it is filled with half-read books and printed documents. It's a mix of nature guides, work documents and gambling guides. Her bedroom is notably different from the rest of the house, featuring lots of little mechanical trinkets and paintings of robots, industrialization and cybernetics. She has a bed for two people but the left side is full of little circuits, books on biology, cybernetics and human augmentation.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Anastasia Marigold's first Contract.

Anastasia's money comes from a mix of online gigs. She does shadow writing, CEO optimization and proofreading among other stuff. She mostly spends her money on her immediate needs. This of course includes gambling. What is left goes to her books, paintings and a huge collection of technology pieces that are a cross between for human augmentation and art. That last one she gets from her always-concerned ex, Alex (she/her). She usually gambles on real-life events. Her underground bookkeeper Sammy (she/her) lets her know what's going on. She's a treat and she keeps her rates lower for repeat customers. Anastasia bets on the appearances of cryptids and the statuses of cults (which are booming fields in gambling these days). She also bets some money on more traditional things like elections and sports sometimes.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Anastasia Marigold's first Contract.

Anastasia kind of hates cities. Their cement is overbearing and they are so polluted that is a death sentence for people with asthma. She also would prefer if the cities didn't kill the planet that she lives on. That's why she wants to have all cities redesigned with the environment in mind. She loved how the Shire looked in the Lord of the Rings. Houses being buried under green hills full of life. Cities existing basically under forests and humans coexisting with nature. Up to now, she has only read about ecology and environmentally friendly city design, but now she wants the strength to make her vision a reality. Not saving the planet is a death sentence for everyone so when push comes to shove, maybe killing won't matter if it helps her make a difference in this dying world.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Anastasia Marigold's first Contract.

Her most defining event was easily her scar. What a fool she was to bet an eye on the Kaijus bringing the apocalypse! If only she had bet against them, she would have her eye back and a huge pile of money on the side. Sammy even asked twice about it. The mafia doesn't mess around and eyes don't regenerate. Alex did not like Anastasia's bet one bit and that's before she saw her nasty scar. That was the straw that broke the camel's back regarding their relationship. Alex thinks Anastasia has a problem. Anastasia agrees. Her luck is horrible these last days. Eventually, lady luck is bound to smile again. When this happens technology will fill her empty eye socket.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Anastasia Marigold's first Contract.

Firstly Alex. She's a talented engineer and is working and studying in the fields of human augmentation and technological bio-modding. Anastasia's amateur interest and love for these subjects brought them together. They spent more and more time together and well eventually after a couple of silly bets regarding drinks, they ended up together. Their first months together were great. They were full of nerdy studying and light gambling. They even imagined their life together in a futuristic farm. Unfortunately, Alex's job kept her away too often and Anastasia's gambling proved more than just a hobby. Their relationship was strained and eventually fell apart, but they still talk to each other and care for one another.


Second comes Sammy. Sammy's a bookkeeper in a cryptid betting company. She calls Anastasia now and then to let her know what's going on in the world of gambling. They often chit-chat on these calls and have gone out a couple of times. They seem to enjoy each other's company but their relationship is more of a professional one for Sammy.


Last but not least it's Ahmed the neighborhood grocery store owner. He owns the little shop down the street and Anastasia is grateful for him. He often delivers her orders and even runs a couple of errands for her. She of course repays his kindness with generous tips. He's not too nosy but he did make her tell the story of her scar to him.