Jimmy Rockman's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, To Russia With Love

I live in Lundion in the UK. I have nice home. It has soft bed. Big  ice box, heat box. I do wish my home had less people. This place is quite full. I want more tree. I like tree. Also people mean a lot of time. not great tribe. vary separated. I work on life box with weeels I halp fix people. They have me lift people into life box. I some time get to help fix people I good with make blood stop. I do want bigger home. with frinds. I wan't biger tribe to eat and be happy with. I do miss my old home it was not as nice but I had good tribe.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, There's a Light...

I work in life van. I go around with friend and help people live when they don't do it well on thier own. I mostly stop blood from exit body and carry people. I vary strong. Strong used to mean I was in charge. That is no longer. Boss man nice to me because I don't need stop time. Some time people Yell at me. I don't like that. Friend help when people yell. I Get good money. Money is weird. People no just help people need money to help most times. People like when I help. I find this wird.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, There's a Light...

I don't die. Other people lose color and die. I don't like people die. I want to let other people not die like me. I try to give me my red life juice. It no help. Must do more test. I can fix holes in people. and other bad. but it never work long time. I lived in tribe. tribe go on and on but I stay same. it make me sad. I went into cold tall to find help on die thing. I did not find life help thing. I got real cold. I wake up. and people are funny. They have weird fur on. and talk funny. It take long time to talk with them but I slowly got it

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Milk Run

Jimmy don't remember it too good. long time past bad winter frends got cold and had no food. next thing I know frends try and make frens into food... I had to stop them. I so so so so sorry. I had to. I lost all my frends that day. I had to live. after that food come to no move frends. they help me one last time. I ate big cat and dog that try to eat dead frend. I still feel bad. I could have just became food and then I wouldent have to feel this way. but then I would be done and I have ben going for so long being done scare me.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Milk Run

Jimmy has lots of freinds now. moving life box frends. They good to me help me heal people better and don't yell at me when I do bad. They gave me burthday partty this year I don't know my burthday so we did ice day that white coat frends told me.


I also like white coat Frernds they have me do "tests" the machens are scary but they give me good food and they teach me inportent things like words and things Not to do to people like hit them to win mean talk.


I also have stinky frends who live in back yard. they have littly soft house. when I ask why they have soft house they say big words like "econamy" I don't know that word. also "polotion" I also don't know that word they say it means Cunt I do know that word. I give them food and they teach me lots of things. also help with wierd house things like when cold box no work. when sky bad I let them in my hard house to keep them safe.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Milk Run

I don't know parents. I don't know if I have then long time ago is fuzzy like kitty cat. What is a cchool. I fit real well. all of tribe like me. I strong so I in charege. I see other strong who are mean so I hit then then I stronger and in more cgareg. I vary nice leader I help people and heal them. once stronger man come but tribe help me scare him away. they say I have strong haret and that more inportent then strong arms. I not sure about that but I like being in charge so I dont tell them wrong. only problem when in carge is frends die and new ones act wird after while. They say I god. I not god I jimmy. They don't understand so I have to find new tribe if they get too wird. new tribe not to hard to join though.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Milk Run

Jimmy have many love. love live short. not they no live long but we no love long. it is simple thing. love for little then leave. I no understand Now people stay love long time. in my time Love short and Good Good. when love gone no problem. I see people make lots of bad from love I don't know well. people silly. All my love end well. I have not had love since I wake up from cold sleep. Most love option vary weak would make bad kids. not strong so unlikely to live well. well that is all of it.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Milk Run

Big move metal scare me sky toob weel box. I can deal with this scary but it hurts my head. I also no like sparky walls they are mean to me. light boxes people have are also mean I try and deal with the evil light boxes but people yell at me when I do so. so I just hide my eyes from them so the light no eat me. I try to not let my fear win so I just pretend it no happen. If that no work I just hit my head to show brean who is boss. I also scard off all other peope die. I would be sad with just jimmy. I used to fear for me live but that whent bye bye. Jimmy find fear silly it no hurt so why bad. run tward bad thing to hit bad thing so it go away some bad thing hurt and you can't hit so you must run. So run is fear but no it is survive not fear.


Jimmy re think other fear No frends if all people are mean to jimmy no frends anymore I would be sad. I think that frend no like me some time. I dont like think so I stop when I do with good stick.