Dr. Elias Maddox's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Dr. Elias Maddox's first Contract.

Elias lives in a studio apartment in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he works as a biochemical researcher for a pharmaceutical company. Originally from San Francisco, Elias moved to the east coast after completion of his doctorate degree and subsequent dive into a career in biochemistry. With prestigious universities like MIT and Harvard in the area, and some of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world having major offices and laboratories in the area, Cambridge has acted as a hub for the life sciences for years. For Elias, few other places have been as well equipped for his work and endeavors. While far from an unmanageable condition, Elias wrestles with parasomnia, which manifests primarily as night terrors and a difficulty waking from them. The condition has had lasting effects on his physical and mental health, and he blames much of his personal inhibitions on fears generated from his horrible nightmares. The drive to work on solutions for himself have steered much of his aspirations, and have crossed into more of an obsession than a career goal. Despite having a small but comfortable living space, most of his time is spent within his lab, where he feels most at home.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Dr. Elias Maddox's first Contract.

Dr. Maddox makes a reasonable salary as a biochemical researcher, and with most of his time spent within his lab, spends very little on entertainment or luxury. His education and career have equipped him with much of the tools he uses to pass the time at no cost. Outside of a steady supply of coffee and cigarettes, there are few day to day expenses that need to be covered. Business trips and conferences are all expense paid, or reimbursed, and while not estranged from family, Elias does not often make the time for cross country visits back to San Francisco. That being said, he does not have an abundance of cash, as the cost of living in and of itself remains rather high, and when the need does arrive to pay for something, he does not hesitate to open his wallet.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

Elias' ambition is to put an end to nightmares, and thoughts within the subconscious mind that limit or outright prevent peoples' ability to strive towards their goals. In truth he seeks a scientific means to end fear and inhibition, but due to his own sleep disorder he views these things as the feelings as a result of nightmares. Tired of dealing with subconscious fear and self doubt, Elias already dedicates his life to his ambition through his life and career goals and achievements. He is willing to go as far as he needs to in order to achieve his goals as he sees his work as the potential cure to a personal affliction. A firm believer in ends justifying means, Elias is willing to risk lives including his own if it means people can access their full potential without restraint.