Giuseppe Trevithick's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Giuseppe Trevithick's first Contract.

Giuseppe Trevithick lives in a very comfortable mansion at his estate in Union, Illinois. He lives there because it is adjacent to the Illinois Railway Museum. There is no other reason. He visits the museum to look at the trains and to share his knowledge with other guests and visitors. His home is a large estate with three floors and a basement. The first floor is dedicated to a locomotive track that loops around it. The second floor has a kitchen, staff quarters and his home theater. The third floor contains his personal bedroom, a guest bedroom and an office. Each floor is also sparsed with rooms dedicated to trains and train memorabilia. None of it compares, however, to his scale replica of the united states railroad system that makes up the entirety of his basement. It includes every train route in the country, including local rail systems of major cities like New York and Chicago. Outside his estate there is a full-sized railroad track looping the limits of his land. Giuseppe is living very, very comfortably.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Giuseppe Trevithick's first Contract.

Giuseppe Trevithick is the heir to a large fortune. The rest of his family lives in Japan, where they contribute towards the development of the world's fastest and most advanced bullet trains. Magnetics and AI are of little interest to Giuseppe, though. He prefers to study the inner-workings of the engine. Better yet, he wishes that he could simply run and operate a train full time! His family has begun to realize that Giuseppe is nearly hopeless -- were it not for his incredible knowledge on all things relating to the trains themselves. Still, if he does not provide some sort of result or profit, he may end up losing his family funding...

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Giuseppe Trevithick's first Contract.

Giuseppe Trevithick is not the smartest man in the world. He is far from the strongest, the most charismatic... He was born with noteworthy attention to detail and astounding control with his hands... but he wastes these talents with his unhealthy obsession with Trains.

Giuseppe does not merely like his trains. He lives for them. He would happily give up everything to be a conductor for a major railway line.

But trains are less popular today in the United States than ever before. How can that be right? They are efficient! They are fast! The newest train models have even begun to outspeed and outperform airplanes! But the plane industry is more prevalent -- more powerful. Boeing has connections and strengths. Car corporations still dominate, despite their comparable shortcomings.

These things drive Giuseppe mad. Others ignore the benefits of trains. Others choose inferior options, time and again.

Worst of all -- by downsizing the railway industry, they deny Giuseppe the opportunity for the career he most desires.

Giuseppe was born rich. He holds no morals. He knows only success -- be it measured in personal effort, or the bodies of those who stand in the way of the victors. No matter what it takes, he shall become the world's greatest train conductor. No. The UNIVERSE'S. He shall reignite passion and love for railways. No matter what it takes. He will topple the airlines. Destroy the car manufacturers. Burn cities and topple capital empires.

So long as he gets his trains.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Giuseppe Trevithick's first Contract.

Giuseppe chose to live in America instead of moving to Japan with his extended family, so that he could better study the railways of the country. It was an empire built upon the backs of the railroad. Without its trains, it never would have been born. For many years, it was the forefront of train technology. The primary reason he stayed was to find out why it had fallen so far.

The answer was simple. It was the same thing that had given his own family great power.


In the United States, airplanes went where trains did not. They took less of an investment. But they later needed to be replaced. They used fuel less efficiently. Cars were flashier. They were the trend. Freedom to travel where you like. All you need is a road. It destroyed foot travel. It devastated a country, to a scale unprecedented. It was clearly killing America.

Giuseppe needed to save this country. More importantly, he needed to revive its railways.

The day Giuseppe came to this ultimate realization, he was promptly arrested attempting to set fire to a car manufacturing plant.

But you cannot arrest the rich.

It was clear he would need to dig deeper. To uproot the weed from the bottom-up. To do this, he would need a greater strength. A better face... He would need to bring about a greater change.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Giuseppe Trevithick's first Contract.

Frankie Pugh is one of the volunteers at the Illinois Railway Museum. He is an experienced conductor and Giuseppe has spent months of his life listening to the man's impassioned speeches at the museum. He has watched the man work on trains, drive them, spend time with them. Giuseppe considers him like a second father. The father to his love of trains and his American lifestyle. Frankie likes Giuseppe and has gotten to know him well over the years. He does, however, wish that Giuseppe would stop commandeering his speeches -- and trying to work with the trains, unsupervised.

Miss Merilyn is Giuseppe's head maid. As a child, she was his primary caretaker and supervisor. She watched over and cared for him more than his other parents ever did. She does not truly understand Giuseppe's obsession with trains -- she tries to steer him towards appropriate decisions and better paths. Unfortunately, Giuseppe does not listen and she cannot demand anything of him -- he is her boss, after all. Instead, she keeps everything running smoothly at his Estate and ensures that nothing is out of order. She is paid very, very well. Still, she cares deeply for Giuseppe and tries to do her best for his sake. Giuseppe considers her the second most important thing in his life, after trains.

Omezo is Giuseppe's business liaison. It is through him that Giuseppe is able to contribute towards the family business, access new information, and receive direction from his parents and the board. Giuseppe does not like Omezo, much. Omezo does not care. Omezo also handles all of Giuseppe's investments, the companies and businesses he 'owns' for his family, and a variety of other monetary concerns. Omezo handles it all. Giuseppe under-values him. Thankfully, Omezo is employed by Giuseppe's parents and not Giuseppe.