James donally's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before James donally's first Contract.

Omaha Nebraska is a small city in the United States Of America. it houses almost 300k residents and is in a relatively republican area. James Donally was born in Nebraska Lincoln another small city but instead moved to Lincoln to work for his current group of magicians. He lives in a studio apartment that is quite bare, being a birthday magician doesn't make much money, and so his mattress is on the floor, there is a hole in his wall from moving his couch in, a small tv sits opposite from his bed and couch on the far side of the room, closer to the door is the kitchen which includes a full kitchen. The entire space is very clean as James is able to clean up after himself, after all if this space was dirty it would be a coffin that kept him down.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before James donally's first Contract.

James gets his money by doing children's birthday parties, he is part of a band of magicians that get jobs and then distribute them, they practically have a monopoly over the low end magician jobs in town. Mostly he spends his money on rent, but he also likes to purchase new props to use for his sleight of hand/ magic tricks. he is saving up to buy a bed frame for his mattress, which for now lies on his floor in his studio apartment. various posters detailing big stages and cities also line his walls. occasionally when he wants to have a treat he eats fast food but most of the time he cooks cheap meals for himself.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before James donally's first Contract.

James Donally became bored of his life full of small tricks, he wanted something more, something REAL. He began to look down on those he worked with for being complacent with their cheap tricks. he strives for real magic more than anything else, he searched online and in every library in Nebraska, every bookstore but found nothing on how to accomplish magic. He went back to his poor dull life living in normality. However once he saw magic for real in front of him he felt the need to do anything to accomplish it, to keep it and hold it for himself, to that end he would kill or be killed, go through trauma or scar his body whatever was necessary. the ends always justify the means.