Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi's first Contract.

Izumi's parents eloped when they first met in Japan; their mother was a French entertainer and their father looking to step into the technology field. It was love at first sight for them and they moved together to America to settle down and start their new lives together. Their father quickly secured a job at Microsoft, and at just the right time, securing a decent amount of wealth to keep his family comfortable for a few generations. Their mother took on acting, traveling between California and Washington for films and commercials. Their family home is still in Bellevue, though they moved out after school to pursue their dream entertainment job and now live in a nice studio apartment. They have a cabinet of fine china and delicate ornaments, expensive tea sets, and various vintage cookbooks. They own a cat and several houseplants (that live on the balcony). 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi's first Contract.

Izumi works in entertainment- they sometimes appear in Broadway shows and had been traveling with a circus for a while before the crew took a break for the season. They are sometimes called upon to model, especially with shibari sessions and workshops. They take great pride in the art they help to create and enjoy taking time to help educate others when it is desired. Their family also aids in financial needs which is where most of their income comes from when they aren't actively working. Their rent is paid for through their father, and they often times get allowance to help pay for groceries and utilities. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi's first Contract.

Izzy's ambition involves bringing all beings that roam the earth together and creating a world where species can coexist without prejudice and hatred. They understand it will take a lot of work, especially for creatures who feed on humans, but there are plenty of freaky people out in the world who wouldn't oppose assisting those needs, right? (the internet can be very...eye-opening)


As for murder, it is a necessary evil that some must die in order for others to live. Izumi would prefer to not get their hands dirty if they can avoid it, but they will do what they must to achieve their goals. They will not openly discuss this or go out of their way to justify anything related to this, however. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi's first Contract.

Izumi has dealt with many issues growing up related to discrimination; their extended family was warm and kind when they would visit, but talked down about them when they would leave. Their parents put them in private schools and they struggled to make friends because they didn't care as much about mundane, materialistic things. They grew up comfortable, bordering high class, but wanted to live a normal life (which they do their best to achieve now on their own). 

The defining moment of their life that entirely changed their perspective was when they went on a family trip to Japan to say good-bye to their grandfather. He was cold and bitter, and made sure Izumi knew he was disappointed in both them and their parents for everything they've done. Since then, they have been working harder to prove them wrong, and maybe to mask their resentment.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi's first Contract.

Jun and Elise Sasaki: Izumi's parents. They are kind and welcoming, and work hard to maintain their lifestyle. Izumi visits occasionally, but has been trying to figure things out on their own. Jun is tall and very lanky, while Elise is short, curvy and conventionally beautiful. 


Lucian Wright: transmasc friend from Broadway shows. He also lives in Washington and has been actively doing theatre for most of his life. He loves to sing and dance, and enjoys participating in karaoke in the queer bars he frequents. He's a bit tall and stocky, with messy dark curls and lots of freckles. He usually wears vests and dress pants like he just stepped out of the Victorian era. always carries a pocket watch.


Felix Foster: Lucian's current partner that is also a big theatre kid. Very lanky blonde, likes steampunk fashion and doing photography as a main hobby. He has done several photoshoots with Izzy over the years and shows a deep appreciation for the art of shibari and similar "taboo" outlets. Wishes the world was more accepting of things rather than actively trying to push them away.