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Lilith (Lily) Weider
She Who Carries Another

A 14-Victory Seasoned Contractor played by TheSuperChrisb in Maelstrom

Lilith (Lily) Weider is a Charming Gothic Doctor who will risk her life to become the ultimate Cursed Hemomancer and conquer Death, whoever they may be (Alternatively: break their family’s blood-curse).

She is 25 years old, lives in Chicago, IL, in a small, 4th story apartment, and often appears as a pale woman with hazel-green eyes, a serious, angular face, and straight, blonde, shoulder-length hair. She wears alt/goth fashion, usually in blacks and dark reds. On her forearms are deep, ever-present wounds that refuse to heal, which she covers with thick medical bandages. On her collarbone is a dark red tattoo in the shape of an eight-point star.

Lilith (Lily) Weider lives in Maelstrom, a setting where videos of the supernatural go viral every day. Her journal, Hematology vol. X / A. Fleischer, has 21 entries. Her Questionnaire has 17 answers.













3 Alertness

2 Animals

3 Athletics

2 Brawl

0 Crafts

2 Culture

1 Drive

1 Firearms

4 Influence

3 Investigation

4 Medicine

5 Melee

5 Occult

1 Performance

2 Science

4 Stealth

0 Survival

1 Technology

3 Thievery

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


Transcend the Flesh
(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress
  • Mark of the Abyss (Space adaptation.)
  • Mark of the Coward (+15ft of free movement.)
  • Body 7


    9 Mind





  • Agoraphobia Roll Self Control to willingly walk out into open spaces. You may Exert your Mind to face your fear.
  • Alien Research Encountering a new supernatural being, I have a compulsion to collect their blood sample (enough to be noticed)

  • Focus

    Whenever , regain one Source. Cooldown: one hour


    FBI "Agent" You have been given a new face and identity by the FBI. They can offer a new alias and face once every 4 months. They will prevent you from being incarcerated for most crimes. You are not allowed to live within 500 miles of your family.
    Stockpile: Pharmaceuticals and Donor Blood
    From Assets and Liabilities
    You have a stockpile of a specific type of weaponry or hard-to-find items. During a Downtime, you may obtain up to three items from your stockpile.
    Point of Contact: The Ghosts of Whispering Pines:
    Given by Redchigh
    Lilith freed the spirits that were trapped in Whispering Pines' Orphanage. The free spirits may be called on, though their skills and knowledge are limited. The spirits are free to move on, and are likely to release their connection to the mortal realm if they fail a trauma or limit roll. Your contacts are not brainwashed or supernaturally compelled, and they may refuse to do things which are unreasonable or absurd, or get distracted. You may attempt to call in additional favors beyond the first one, but these are not guaranteed, and over-use of your contact may cause you to lose them, as well as create potential Loose Ends. Ghosts: *Mr Miller, mentally unstable amateur occultist, 78; *Sarah, 10; Emily, 12; Daniel Carter, 11; Ava Smith, 11; Sophia Rodriguez, 10; William Lee, 11; Jacob Turner, 9
    Point of Contact: Guilbert Boneva
    Given by SeedofEntropy
    You know someone in a specific industry or area of influence, and can lean on them for assistance. Once per Contract, and once per Downtime, you may call in a favor from Guilbert Boniva. This includes up to $10,000 gift, a safe house for downtime, a legal representative, of assistance with transportation. Your contact is not brainwashed or supernaturally compelled, and they may refuse to do things which are unreasonable or absurd. You may attempt to call in additional favors beyond the first one, but these are not guaranteed, and over-use of your contact may cause you to lose them, as well as create potential Loose Ends.


    From Assets and Liabilities
    Hemophilia Your blood doesn't clot as normal, making any Injury a potentially lethal one. All Injuries Severity 2 or higher degrade at a rate of 1 Severity per minute. Stabilizations are made at +2 Difficulty, and all Proper Stabilizations require a blood transfusion.
    Contortionist You are unusually flexible, and may squeeze through small spaces with ease. Reduce the Difficulty of any roll to escape a grapple or Dexterity roll involving flexibility by 2.
    Seen Things Your exposure to unspeakable horrors has hardened you. You are at -1 Difficulty to all Trauma rolls. Requires Seasoned status (10 victories).
    Iron Will When you are determined and your mind is set, nothing can sway you from your goals. You receive +2 dice to all Mind rolls.
    From Maelstrom
    Promises Made Grace's Mark Intuitive understanding of Grace's distance, direction, and vitals. +2 dice to rolls targeting them.
    Promises Made Bobby’s Mark Intuitive understanding of Bobby's distance, direction, and vitals. +2 dice to rolls targeting them.
    Promises Made Lilith's Mark on herself. +2 dice to rolls targeting herself.
    Promises Made Archie's Mark Intuitive understanding of Archie's distance, direction, and vitals. +2 dice to rolls targeting them.
    Promises Made Minerva’s Mark Intuitive understanding of Minerva's distance, direction, and vitals. +2 dice to rolls targeting them.
    Grace of the Moonlight Ishtar has blessed you with a slightly longer life. The wound glows with moonlight as it rapidly heals. The next time you use Will to Survive to reduce an incoming Injury up to 4 Severity, you can now reduce it up to 7 Severity.
    Ichor Residuals Some of Ishtar's power (and hubris) still runs through your veins. This comes with several side effects. (1) Your dreams contain fragmented memories of Ishtar's life. (2) Your body and soul are marked as a mortal who consumed divine blood. This is inherently perceived by nearby gods (ageless beings sustained by faith/worship that govern over something) and demi-gods. They may treat you differently. (3) Once per Contract, as a Free Action you may take a Severity 1-2 Injury to add 2-4 dice to all rolls made in a Round. (4) You age at half the normal rate. Supernatural attempts to age you are only half effective.
    Promises Made Luci’s Mark Intuitive understanding of Luci's distance, direction, and vitals. +2 dice to rolls targeting them.

    Loose Ends

    Individual Enemy-Elon Musk

    Moderate Deadly Given by Metal
    Elon Musk considers you a mortal enemy. He will attempt to use his vast financial resources to crush you if you don't act quickly



    14 Victories - 2 Failures
    Remaining Exp: 1
    (Earned: 312 - Spent: 311)
    An itemized record of every Contract, advancement, and more


    Lilith (Lily) Weider has made 0 Moves.
    Only GMs who have permission to run Contracts and post World Events in Maelstrom can post Moves for Lilith (Lily) Weider.

    Assets And Liabilities


    -15 Iron Will
    -15 Gifted
    -6 Illicit Supplier
    Stockpile Type: Pharmaceuticals and Donor Blood
    -3 Contortionist
    -0 Seen Things


    +15 Hemophilia