
A world where videos of the supernatural go viral every day.

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Vita savior made a Move (Midnighzs GMed) 4 days, 3 hours ago. View Move

Unusual sightings.

Fox monster spotting near Óbidos local authorities have started up at Case and are looking for any information on the creature authorities ask that if you do spot this creature that you stay away although there has yet to be any injuries authorities, don’t know the capabilities of the creature some say there has been sightings of a young woman’s body inside the creature while others say the woman is alive information on both is greatly appreciated.

Posted by RNGrant, 4 days, 5 hours ago. Permalink

Goshen Indiana set ablaze. Again.

“I’m here on the scene at Goshen Indianan where early this morning Goshen Hospital was set on fire, burning nearly to the ground.”


Behind the reporter there is a barely standing husk of a hospital, with several tents outside with patients being wheeled around tended by nurses. 

“This was proceeded by an outbreak of gang violence involving the use of military grade explosives. There have been several gang incidents since then , the civilian casualties mounting with minimal medical supplies.


Where possible, patients are being shipped out of town.


This violence has resulted in more calls for the police to be formally reestablished, but given the historic fatality rate of over 60% the town has been unable to recruit enough staff for a permanent police force. 

Town officials are considering calling in the national guard, we go now to talk to some locals.”

The camera focuses on a young woman with a backpack walking through a college campus. In the background there are scorch marks on some buildings.


”I mean. I guess it’s a little worse than normal. But that’s life in Goshen. You get used to it. I had to dodge some dude ridding a motorcycle through campus at like 100 miles per hour earlier today, with a woman behind him and a bunch of weasels. “

the woman shrugs, then pauses and puts down her backpack as she gets to the edge of campus.  She takes out a revolver.


”But that’s not even the weirdest thing I’ve seen in the last year. Hold on a bit.




There is a low rumble of motorcycles. The camera turns to campus buildings behind the woman, showing windows opening and young men and women, college students ,aiming with firearms.


The camera turns back to the street to see a group of 20 men on motorcycles, many with yellow Sons of Salem flags and shotguns.

The camera drops rapidly as the camera man throws himself to the ground. There is a chorus of gunfire, lasting 30 seconds. 

The it is quiet the camera man gets up. The street has 3 crashed motorcycles, the rest gone.


The woman the camera was following is crouched behind the Goshen college sign. She is bleeding from a new wound on her shoulder, but the blood seems to stop even as the camera focuses on her.

The woman reloads her revolver.

”Anyway. I don’t think the national guard is a good idea. They’ll just become zombies, or start exploding, or think they are in a death game or something. Not worth it. They don’t have what it takes to handle Goshen. Now, the weirdest thing I’ve ever …”


// scene end

Latest Journals

48 minutes ago: Danny Warrens wrote a Downtime Journal for To Russia With Love

The wolves


I think that's the thing I think back to the most, surprisingly. It wasn't the freezing cold or water that almost killed me that I think on. It's not the fact that I was shot at and almost died either. Those were terrifying, especially for someone like me but...It's those damn wolves. The fact they were so real, so close to getting me. It messes with my head every time I dwell on it. I can almost feel myself running again when I think of them.

There's also the guy who didn't make it. I'm not sensitive to death, not like most people. I've seen so much of it living in the south side that I've just...Well, I've become numb. I had to in order so survive. Knowing who this guy really was though, that's what really hits me. The idea it could have been me, as great as I am. I could have just died out there. Forgotten. A nothing in the wind. It drives me crazy. I want nothing more than to stop thinking about it...

But I can't

1 day, 11 hours ago: Katherine DeLacey wrote a Downtime Journal for Echoes of a Broken Day

Wrapping my head around things

Not going to lie, it's taken me a couple of days to wrap my head around things.  A week ago, I was sitting in the bar, minding my own business, not sure what I was going to do with myself when I get the boot, which has to be coming sooner rather than later.  I mean, we all know it.  The whole damn unit looks at me when they don't think I'll notice.  Which is its own kind of crazy, because they have to know I'll notice, right?  It makes me jumpy.  Jumpier.  Whatever.  It makes me jumpier when they look at me like they're waiting for me to lose it.  

So given where my head is, it's not all that crazy that I am wondering if I imagined the whole damn thing.  I mean, I knew magic was a thing, I even thought maybe a time or two I saw something back when I was in that hole in the ground.  But there's a huge difference between experience and knowledge.  That's something Gunny drilled into us for years, but I don't think it ever felt as... as real... as it does now.

And any time I start to doubt, all I need to do is look at my new toy.  I wonder what the boys would think of her?  I'm not even sure what I think of her.  The weird dude who started all this?  He wasn't lying, that's for sure.  

Now, every time I hear footsteps, I start to wonder if it's him again.  Another chance.  A chance for more.  And at what point will it not matter what the Navy decides to do with me?  Can I be both?  Should I?


2 days, 5 hours ago: Paige Price wrote a Downtime Journal for To Russia With Love

Interlude - Spending Spree

After my first taste of the kind of jobs the contract provides, I decided I needed to make a few key investments.

First on my list was guns. Thankfully that wasn't as difficult an endeavor as it could have been, I attended a Gun Show held at the Embassy Suites. It probably says something about the state of things that no one blinked an eye when I showed up and asked for the best shotgun they had. Regardless, I also bought an even smaller handgun for concealed carry on my person, I don't want to deal with losing my bag and winding up defenseless. There was also an exhibit by those Sons of Salem folk, their boisterous fire and brimstone act largely fell on deaf ears but they did have something I was interested in, silver bullets. Now I'm not certain they work so I only purchased two, but at least I have something if need be.

The next thing I needed was body armor, if things had played out a little differently I could've easily taken a twelve gauge to the chest. Of course, I'm unwilling to compromise on my image of an unflappable expert so I needed to compromise with a soft-bodied concealable vest. Additionally, I acquired industrial and range-rated electronic earplugs so I don't go deaf by my thirties.

Lastly, I needed training, one must do their due diligence after all. At least once per week, I visit the range week and for no less than an hour. I've also taken up jogging in the scenic Sonoran preserve. While it is beautiful out there, it's been hard to focus on that when my first thought seeing a drinking fountain is now whether or not it's poisoned rather than how terrible it likely tastes. Ironic, that the price one pays to remain safe is often their piece of mind.


The Illumination

Illuminated Earth is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the advent of smartphones and the internet confirmed the existence of the supernatural instead of disproving it. Here, witch hunts have merit. Billionaires and Senators employ paranormal advisors and bodyguards, and everyone knows. Charlatans become pop culture icons, and each revelation inspires a new cult. The world is changing. The secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to adapt.

Now's a good time to move up.

House Rules

Contractors from Maelstrom Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Maelstrom grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

Contractor Creation Rules

  • New Contractors must be submitted for approval in The Contract Discord server's #approvals channel before their first game.
  • At creation, Contractors cannot take more than a combined 5 Assets and Liabilities that cost/grant Exp. Free Assets do not count toward this limit.
  • Contractors cannot be direct ripoffs of pop-culture concepts, to the point that NPCs in-game would notice the similarity. For example: you could play a heroic strong-man or a famous weapons-developer but not specifically Superman or Iron Man.
  • Contractors may not start out as a concept that is likely to disrupt Contracts (e.g. being a walking, talking fox, being as notorious as Osama bin Laden, having a bomb in their chest that detonates when they die, etc).
  • Contractors are mundane people who would see their ambitions through regardless of access to powers. That is why a Harbinger offers Gifts, and why they are willing to risk their lives for the power to make their dreams come true.
    • Your Ambition must be a core driver to your character's actions, is a large point of tension for their story, and is likely to get them into trouble. Craft your Ambition carefully and be open to suggestions and changes from Endorsed GMs in order nail it.
    • Keep in mind, however, that Ambitions can (and will) change over time as your Contractor develops. It's simply part of character development! No matter what, Ambitions are why a Contractor risks their life continuing to participate in Contracts. 


Maelstrom Contractor Limits

  • In order to facilitate more focused character concepts, Maelstrom has a hard limit on the number of Newbies and Novices per Player. At Maximum, a Player can only have 2 Newbies and 3 Novices active in Maelstrom at once.
  • Any Contractor housed in the Playgroup is considered active. Remove them from the Playgroup if you don't want to play them. Moving Contractors back into the Playgroup requires Judge approval. 


Power Creation Rules

  • Cohesive Powers: Manifested Gifts must be in-line with Character Concepts and requires Endorsed GM approval.
  • Logical Flavor: Players must be able to explain how and why their power works in a given situation, otherwise GMs have license to cause them to fail.
    • For Example: a Blast flavored as a ball of fire might not work underwater. But at the same time, that same Blast power might do extra damage to enemies vulnerable to fire. GMs always have final say, but must remember to make Powers feel powerful. 



  • Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor 6 Maelstrom Contracts, you are barred from playing in Maelstrom again until you GM a Contract yourself.
    • This limit can be temporarily lifted if an Endorsed GM gives explicit approval to allow you to play in their game.
    • If at this limit, you may attend a game run by another GM fulfilling Citizenship.



Interacting and addressing Loose Ends, Conditions, and/or Circumstances require Moves during the Downtime between Contracts. This connects your contractor with the world in some tangible way.

  • Treacherous Loose Ends: A Contractor who waits for a Loose End's threat to manifest without taking any precautions against it during their Downtimes will see the threat revealing itself at the worst possible moment during downtime. Ask Endorsed GMs and Playgroup Leaders for Moves to help control Loose Ends before they control you.
  • Neutral/Unknown Loose Ends: Some Loose Ends are Unknown, meaning that they give the *Player* a hint of moving parts behind the scenes, but not necessarily the *Character*. A Neutral Loose End usually means that the dangers or benefits of the Loose End are obscured or up to the Character's actions once it manifests.
  • Investments: Some Loose Ends bestow benefits at the end of their clock. Investments are usually rewards for Moves and Hustles, but they might come from other sources as well. Ask Endorsed GMs and Playgroup Leaders for Moves to further your Contractor's goals.



Notes on GMing in Maelstrom

  • All members of Maelstrom are encouraged to GM and run Moves, and no approval is required. Custom Scenarios likewise do not require pre-approval. 
    • Feel free to ask Endorsed GMs and Playgroup Leaders for feedback on your custom scenario before running it. 
    • By default, you cannot run Games or Moves for a tier that you have not played in yourself. For example, if you would like to run a Novice game, but have never played a Novice game, you must wait until you have had some experience in Novice as a Player.
  • Use GM Notes on the Story tab of the Contractor Sheet! This is a place to provide more detail about Circumstances, Conditions, and Loose Ends as well as important developments behind the scenes. Good GM notes makes it easier to run relevant Contracts and Moves for characters.
  • Keep intros concise during game time. If you want to run more extensive introductions, try to do it before playtime. Players, in general, should not need to be wheeled-and-dealed to agree to a Contract. A simple message sent to them should suffice.
  • In general, Contracts and Moves are subject to an "Exposure" criteria, especially when it comes to posted World Events. Contractors in higher Gift ranges have more freedom to affect the playgroup as a whole. At Newbie/Novice, however, the outcomes games will not ever have an international reach. Though Contractors might remember terrible things happening during their Contract, World Events might be scaled back due to meddling from The Powers That Be.
    • Don't take it personally if your World Event gets edited by a Playgroup Leader. It's part of the game and our efforts to keep consistent tone within the Playgroup.
  • GMs are encouraged to build interesting, consistent locations and organizations for Contractors to explore and engage with through Contracts and Moves. Talk to a Playgroup Leader about location development, they are happy to delegate the development of content.


Full Setting Description

This Playgroup uses the official Illumination Setting with slight tweaks.

Very small supernatural phenomena are rare, but not completely unknown. Fewer than 20,000 people in the US are born with some kind of basic supernatural abilities. Think, a guy who can snap his fingers to light a cigarette, slightly glowing eyes that help to see in the dark, or the ability to make a small electric spark. Very niche, not terribly useful, a cool party trick. The big supernatural phenomena are what makes the news, and what creates Illuminations. A bona-fide werewolf, an insect disguised as a human, a monstrous cryptid, or other similar intense anomalies will absolutely catch the attention of the media if they are found.

World Events

Vita savior made a Move (Midnighzs GMed) 4 days, 3 hours ago. View Move

Unusual sightings.

Fox monster spotting near Óbidos local authorities have started up at Case and are looking for any information on the creature authorities ask that if you do spot this creature that you stay away although there has yet to be any injuries authorities, don’t know the capabilities of the creature some say there has been sightings of a young woman’s body inside the creature while others say the woman is alive information on both is greatly appreciated.

Posted by RNGrant, 4 days, 5 hours ago. Permalink

Goshen Indiana set ablaze. Again.

“I’m here on the scene at Goshen Indianan where early this morning Goshen Hospital was set on fire, burning nearly to the ground.”


Behind the reporter there is a barely standing husk of a hospital, with several tents outside with patients being wheeled around tended by nurses. 

“This was proceeded by an outbreak of gang violence involving the use of military grade explosives. There have been several gang incidents since then , the civilian casualties mounting with minimal medical supplies.


Where possible, patients are being shipped out of town.


This violence has resulted in more calls for the police to be formally reestablished, but given the historic fatality rate of over 60% the town has been unable to recruit enough staff for a permanent police force. 

Town officials are considering calling in the national guard, we go now to talk to some locals.”

The camera focuses on a young woman with a backpack walking through a college campus. In the background there are scorch marks on some buildings.


”I mean. I guess it’s a little worse than normal. But that’s life in Goshen. You get used to it. I had to dodge some dude ridding a motorcycle through campus at like 100 miles per hour earlier today, with a woman behind him and a bunch of weasels. “

the woman shrugs, then pauses and puts down her backpack as she gets to the edge of campus.  She takes out a revolver.


”But that’s not even the weirdest thing I’ve seen in the last year. Hold on a bit.




There is a low rumble of motorcycles. The camera turns to campus buildings behind the woman, showing windows opening and young men and women, college students ,aiming with firearms.


The camera turns back to the street to see a group of 20 men on motorcycles, many with yellow Sons of Salem flags and shotguns.

The camera drops rapidly as the camera man throws himself to the ground. There is a chorus of gunfire, lasting 30 seconds. 

The it is quiet the camera man gets up. The street has 3 crashed motorcycles, the rest gone.


The woman the camera was following is crouched behind the Goshen college sign. She is bleeding from a new wound on her shoulder, but the blood seems to stop even as the camera focuses on her.

The woman reloads her revolver.

”Anyway. I don’t think the national guard is a good idea. They’ll just become zombies, or start exploding, or think they are in a death game or something. Not worth it. They don’t have what it takes to handle Goshen. Now, the weirdest thing I’ve ever …”


// scene end

Posted by jamesdsoup, 1 week, 2 days ago. Permalink

Night club shot up 4 dead minor found at crime scene

shooting at a Ohio night club 7 dead 

Eddie Boom made a Move (foodoman GMed) 1 week, 2 days ago. View Move

New York Times - Front page news - EXPLOSION IN THE BRONX KILLS FAMILY

Dennis Douglas, his wife, son and two cops died in an explosion on Saturday.  His daughter was taken to a local hospital and is currently recovering.  She is currently under round the clock care and police guard.


Dennis was set to testify against the local crime lord, Maximus Caesar, in an upcoming trial as a star witness.  Dennis was being brought into witness protection at the time of the explosion.


Authorities are currently investigating all leads in relation to Dennis's presumed murder.  Witnesses report a person in a colorful outfit leaving the scene of the crime.  All tips are encouraged to be reported to police to help capture this potential terrorist.

Patrick Oneal made a Move (RNGrant GMed) 2 weeks, 1 day ago. View Move

Officer Matthew Green wanted on suspected arson and murder.

Early yesterday morning, neighbor of Matthew Green reported smoke coming out of his apartment. Quick action by the residents, and the local fire department saved the building from immolation. According to Neighbor, Felicity Rose

"I noticed something off about him last night. He has night terrors sometimes, and I would usually talk to him about them after. But last night I heard him and he didn't want to talk."

Authorities quickly put out an APB for Officer Green, escalating it after a body was found severely burned in the bathtub.

An officer was able to spot Green fleeing the station after checking out some body armor and ammunition, but wasn't able to apprehend him.

An investigation is still ongoing to identify the body, and find Matthew Green.

[An image appears on screen of Officer Matthew Green.]

Magdalene Wheeler made a Move (RNGrant GMed) 2 weeks, 4 days ago. View Move

Swarm of Bees attack tourists at Mount Dicte

Yesterday, tourists at Mount Dicte were surprised when a massive swarm of bees descended down the mountain.

"It was horrible! One second we were exploring the cave, then suddenly out of nowhere there were bees swarming all around us! We had to use our coats to make a shelter for Anthony, our son, to keep them from getting to him. He has a terrible allergy, and could have died!"

Several tourists required medical evac, but as of this reporting there have been no reported deaths from the incident.

Police are working with experts on bee migration and behavior to try and understand this phenomena.

Bubba Score made a Move (RNGrant GMed) 3 weeks ago. View Move

Christian extremists attempt to assault Bubba Score at his latest performance

Youtube. An older man with an electric guitar, and a nice sound setup talks into the camera. There are posters of various bands in the background, including most prominently Bubba Score (Yes Zman and Beth metal are up as well)  

The man starts talking, exaggerating his words for dramatic effect.

"Hey fellow Rockersssss!!!!! I got some serious shit to talk about today. You all know the latest embodiment of Rock itself? 

That's right! Bubba Fucking Scooooore! Well some FUCKERS. Tried to assassinate him! I got a statement from him here."

Camera switches to a bunch of videos of Bubba Score. There is woops in the background , and paparazzi all around trying to get pictures of Bubba

"Oh yeah, the commotion. There were 3 of them, David Beckel, Eden and Arthur King. Know them, they are big religious extremists. They tried to attack me I guess."

Bubba gives a shrug as if he is a bit sad for them.

"Too bad some people can't just let others enjoy rocking. I won't be pressing charges." 

His face seems sincere, and all those around him looks sad and sympathetic to his plight.

Cuts back to the man.

"You heard him Rockers! These maniacs are going after the new lord of Rock! We need to stop them! Find them report them, and CANCEL Them!"

The man does a sick riff on his guitar.

"wooo! Now in other rock news..."

Scene end

Lucifer Inkz made a Move (RNGrant GMed) 3 weeks, 2 days ago. View Move

Whale population off the coast of the Philippines decreasing. Strange coral spear found.

After years of the population recovering, the whale population in the pacific ocean may be facing a new threat!

Marine biologists tracking migrations of whale herds noticed that some herds have lost members, or been lost entirely!

Among the herds that have lost members some have injuries that fit with the kind of wound that could be received from a harpoon. 

Researchers also found that one whale's wound had in it a sharp symmetrical piece of coral that seems to have broken off. 

Researchers are divided on if this coral is relevant.

(Cut to researcher interview)

"If you look at the shape of the coral, it clearly looks to be shaped to be a weapons. The patterns on it are symmetrical, and not one we've seen in nature. There is also other bits of biological material mixed in. I suspect that this was a deliberately made weapon used on the attack. It's entrance and exit wounds match this hypothesis, further if we examine ...."

But other's disagree

(Cut to disagreeing researcher)

"We've only found one bit of coral when a large population has been hurt or injured. If this was a weapon used to attack them, there would have been more signs. Whales are big creatures, and dangerous when hurt. If these were harpoons, we would have recovered more. Likely this piece of coral is just a coincidence. Further if you looks at ...."

Eddie Boom made a Move (foodoman GMed) 3 weeks, 4 days ago. View Move

Freedom of Information Request - NYCPD - Police Reports 452980 & 453210

Police Reports 452980

Date: 12/24/2024

Time: 0358

Victim: [Redacted due to privacy]

Crime Reported: Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Location: Victim's home at [Redacted due to privacy]

Nature of the Crime:

Victim was admitted to the local hospital with two broken knee caps and in extreme pain.

Victim reported that two men with connections to the mob came and broke his kneecaps.  He reported the reason for the attack was he owed the local crime family a total sum of $100,000 dollars, and missed a few payments.  When asked how he accumulated such a large sum of money, Jimmy reported that he lost the money due to a gambling habit and turned to the mob to consolidate his debts.

Name of the Suspects: Currently unknown.  Individuals were reported wearing ski masks, black trench coats, and black gloves.  They were reported having italian accents, and are believed to be middle aged, Caucasian male adults.

Police Reports 453210

Date: 12/27/24

Time: 1726

Victim: World Master Shippers Logistics

Crime: Arson

Location: [Address listed in an industrial district near the docks]

Nature of the Crime:

A security guard was doing his rounds and found three burning fires in an empty warehouse.  The fires themselves hadn't spread to any nearby structures, but it seems to have been burning for quite some time.  The local fire department was called to the scene, but despite their best efforts, the fire proved impossible to extinguish at this time.  These fires have rendered the warehouse useless until the fires could be put out.  The culprit(s) are still at large and an investigation is currently pending.

Bubba Score made a Move (WaterInMilk GMed) 1 month, 1 week ago. View Move

Polarizing figure Bubba Score gathering some unwanted attention

A woman in a red summer dress and done-up hair sits behind a news desk looking at the camera. She speaks with confidence, par for the course of a newscaster

"Tonight's top story: Bubba Score. The Polarizing rock star seems to be getting more attention than he bargained for. Swarms of paparazzi hound the singer everywhere he goes." A series of pictures flash up on the screen showing Bubba knocking on a sketchy house, talking with a deranged-looking individual, and then noticing the camera as he goes inside. The place looks like a drug den. Another string of photos shows Bubba leaving the apartment with 3 girls "dressed" as succubi then walking off. "It seems like people's favorite rock star has been getting up to no good. One thing is for sure, the paparazzi won't be slowing down any time soon."

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