A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor played by Kamulis in Sunken Dreams
He is (52) 27 years old, and often appears as a tall young man with long black hair and golden eyes. He wears an antiquated suit of studded leather armor. He has a large sword strapped across his back.
Jericho of Novigrad lives in Sunken Dreams, a setting with recent occurrences of the supernatural.
3 Alertness
0 Animals
1 Athletics
3 Brawl
0 Crafts
1 Culture
0 Drive
1 Firearms
0 Influence
2 Investigation
1 Medicine
5 Melee
3 Occult
0 Performance
0 Science
1 Stealth
2 Survival
0 Technology
1 Thievery
Latest 0 of 0 answers
Jericho was born in the city of Novigrad. His parents were herbalists. Thier shop was not very profitable, so they were forced to sell Jeri into the services of the witchers to survive. Jericho was taken to Kaer Morhen. For several years he trained in combat, tactics and knowledge of monsters. By the time he was 14 he was ready to take the test. The Trial of the Grasses would prove if Jeri was worthy of being a witcher...many did not survive. He did. Now a witcher he was sent out into the world to hunt monsters for coin. He spent years travelling the northern kingdoms. One day in travels he came upon a strange stone formation. The stones were covered in Elder speech and began to glow when he stepped into the circle.
A bright light flashed, and he no longer stood in the forest but a mountain. Jericho heard a scream, it was close. He turned and saw a young woman. She was a beautiful young woman with red hair and green eyes, she wore a white blouse and khakis with thin rimmed glasses. Jericho was able to calm her and discovered she was Alexandra Shaw, a doctorate student from Oxford. She specialized in archeology and found Jericho very fascinating. After a brief chat she decided that Jeri was the find of a lifetime. She offered Jeri a place to stay and educating him on the ways of the world for info on his world. Now staying with Alex in her flat in London, it's been a few months since Jericho has lived in the Sunken Dreams.