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Edward Grimm
The Steam doesn't burn me. It makes me stronger.

A 14-Victory Seasoned Contractor played by Lerinyth in The Mythos

Edward Grimm is a Lost Steampunk Renegade who will risk his life to to regain his memory and find his true origins.

He is 24 years old, and often appears as a 6'6" Caucasian man, with long brown hair, grey eyes, and a slight stubble. He has a multipurpose mechanical arm that sits just above the elbow. He wears a long brown and gold leather coat, on which he stashes his weapons. He wears several rings on his flesh hand, all seemingly of celtic origin.

Edward Grimm lives in The Mythos, a setting where gods are real and legends are true. His journal has 5 entries.













2 Alertness

0 Animals

3 Athletics

3 Brawl

2 Crafts

2 Culture

2 Drive

4 Firearms

0 Influence

2 Investigation

2 Medicine

5 Melee

2 Occult

0 Performance

0 Science

2 Stealth

1 Survival

0 Technology

0 Thievery

(Tap for Combat reference)
Initiative: 0 dice
Movement: 0 feet
Dash: 0 feet
Perception + Alertness: 0 dice


Shot, I guess
(Tap for Severe Injury reference)

Battle Scars

Dice penalties from Battle Scars do not stack with Stress
  • Missing Arm (You are -2 to -4 dice on any rolls to perform Actions which require two hands, depending on the Action. Athletics rolls are made at +1 Difficulty.)
  • Gimpy Leg (All out sprint rolls are reduced by 5 ft)
  • Body 7


    7 Mind





  • Traumatized Amnesia
  • Amnesia

  • Steam Charges

    Whenever , regain one Source. Cooldown: one hour


    Circumstances describe your situation.

    Examples include enemies, wealth, notoriety, social status, contacts, fame, and imprisonment.

    Because each Playgroup has its own setting, Circumstances record the Playgroup they were acquired in.


    From Assets and Liabilities
    Hard You are difficult to disturb, perhaps because of a traumatic past, or perhaps you're just emotionally detached. You only have two Limits, instead of the normal three.
    Trained Reflexes Your life has been filled with tight situations and violent encounters, so when the fighting starts, you act quickly. You get +3 dice to all Initiative rolls.
    Clear Conscience You have a special knack for shrugging off traumatic experiences. Penalty does not apply to Trauma rolls you make, and you may Exert your Mind to automatically succeed.
    Jack of All Trades You are naturally capable of most things, even without any training. When making a roll which utilizes a Primary Ability that you don’t possess, you do not suffer the standard +1 Difficulty penalty, and you receive +1 dice to the roll.
    Light Sleeper You are able to function with less sleep than most people. You need only four hours of sleep per night, and any supernatural attempts to put you to sleep are rolled at +1 Difficulty.
    Beautiful You're quite the specimen! Rolls where your good looks could help are at -2 Difficulty, and social interactions should be role-played accordingly.
    Vengeful An insult to or an attack on your person simply cannot be tolerated. Each time someone wrongs you or disrespects you in a major way, you must succeed a Self-Control roll to resist taking revenge.

    Loose Ends

    Group of Enemies: The Mi-Go

    Moderate Deadly Given by a Liability
    Your antics have attracted the attention of a powerful group of beings, and they are willing to commit whatever collective resources they have towards destroying you.

    Individual Enemy: Lancelot, a man dressed in dark leather armour with brass plates, a very steampunk-look. Hatred because of a blood feud.

    Moderate Dangerous Given by a Liability
    Whether through misfortune or deliberate provocation, you have made a lifelong enemy out of someone, and they will stop at nothing to take you down.



    14 Victories - 2 Failures
    Remaining Exp: -1
    (Earned: 243 - Spent: 244)
    An itemized record of every Contract, advancement, and more


    Latest 0 of 0 answers


    Edward Grimm has made 0 Moves.
    Only GMs who have permission to run Contracts and post World Events in The Mythos can post Moves for Edward Grimm.


    Edward Grimm is lost. He woke up with no memory at the top of Mt Fuji in Japan on July 18th, 2020. He had nothing except the clothes on his back, a mysterious key, a sword with a gun imbued into the blade, and a missing arm. He knew nothing except how to speak english, and his name, and left the forest in search of civilization. In his search, he made a mistake. August 23rd, 2020, he tried to rob a house, as he was starving and did it out of necessity, but something went wrong, and the family living inside were killed. Ashamed, he ventured back into the forest, where he found shelter in a cave. In this cave, he was attacked by a gang of men who resembled his general dress, but spoke a language he did not understand. On one of their corpses, he found a note, reading "Grimm has been located in the Yamato territory, now called Japan. Find him, and bring him to me, dead or alive. -Lancelot." He knew nothing of this Lancelot, but after reading the note, a vision appears in front of him. A flickering image of a woman dressed in armour. She seems frantic, running to him and hugging him tightly, but realizing he didn't know who she was. She spoke the same language as the men who attacked him, Grimm didn't understand. She eventually fizzled out, appearing to have been just an image. After this encounter, Grimm firmly decided to look for civilization. He found the city of Tokyo, near the mountain. During his time living there he learned Japanese, the common tongue, and got a number of jobs.

    After completing this first job, where he almost burned to death in a car, but was saved by the blacksmith Kody Creighton. During their time at the nearby hospital, they bonded, and became friends. However, when Kody's close friend, and child figure, Alexis Veir was retrieved by his parents, there was a scene in the hospital room. Revealing their powers to the boy's parents, the 3 tried to convince Alexis' parent's that what they did was a good thing, but the parent's were not happy. After several threats were made, they were ushered out of the room by a nurse, but in the confusion, Edward attempted to rescue Alexis through a window using his grappling hook, but missed, and accidentally broke into the wrong window, and had to go into hiding because the police were searching for him. Eventually, he was retrieved by Kody, and went back to Tennessee to live with the blacksmith, for the time being.

    During his second job, he met and became quick friend with assassin Parzival, who unfortunately met his end in the same mission. To honour his friend, he took the weapon of Parzival, and engraved the pistol to remember the man. During this mission, he also learned his proficiency with guns, and decided to train with the gun in between missions.

    During his sixth job, he was almost put in jail for life, after being caught in a governmental plot to recover an operative gone AWOL, Edward assisted in helping the woman escape, which almost got him caught by the FBI. He's lucky he still isn't legally a person.

    During his ninth job, he finally got vengeance on a man he'd been wanting to kill for 2 months. Edward didn't kill Leo the Star, but he died anyways. He did, however, lose a friend in the process, the robot/stoner/genius called Derrick Einstein.

    After his 13th game, he was introduced to Sara Gause Viper. A girl staying with Kody for a bit. She helped him build his companion, Aetherwing the Mechanical Dragon, usinging metal, leather, and a little bit of magic, and became his close friend, and perhaps even daughter.

    It was shortly after this Kody returned with heavy news. Alexis died. At the hand of Kody, Alexis died.

    In cost of a favour for Edward, he was enslaved to a mysterious entity called the librarian for a year, during this time Kody had proposed via communication with their mutual friend, comrade, and brother Jeremy Wesley. Released after this time, he lived briefly in Pidgeon Forge once again, before leaving in the dead of night as part of a series of dramatic events with The Powers That Be.

    Assets And Liabilities


    -9 Trained Reflexes
    -15 Gifted
    -6 Clear Conscience
    -3 Beautiful
    -12 Jack of All Trades
    -12 Jaded
    -3 Ambidextrous
    -6 Light Sleeper
    -0 Seen Things
    -0 Imbued


    +9 Haunting Echoes
    Echo: At seemingly random intervals, a holographic projection of a woman dressed in light golden plate armour. This image, unfamilar to me, yet vagualy familiar all the same. She will approach me, make some attempt to make some sort of physical contact, touching my hand, my shoulder, or some other place, smile, then fizzle out and disappear.
    +3 Traumatized
    Trauma: Amnesia
    +9 One Arm
    +6 Vengeful
    +12 Group of Enemies
    Name of Group: The Mi-Go
    +6 Individual Enemy
    Name of Enemy: Lancelot, a man dressed in dark leather armour with brass plates, a very steampunk-look. Hatred because of a blood feud.